Alice Walker
b. 1944
At the moment of crisis I realize that, because my hands are bound, I can not adjust my glasses, and therefore must tilt my head awkwardly in order to locate and focus on a blue hill. . . . I notice there is a blue hill rising above and just behind the women and their naked-bottomed little girls, who now stand in rows fifty feet in front of me. In front of them kneels my little band of intent faces. Mbati is unfurling a banner, quickly, before the soldiers can stop her. . . All of them--Adam, Olivia, Benny, Pierre, Raye, Mbati-- hold it firmly and stretch it wide. RESISTANCE IS THE SECRET OF JOY! it says in huge block letters. There is a roar as if the world cracked open and I flew inside. I am no more. And satisfied.
--Possessing the Secret of Joy
Jump to: Biography and Criticism | Selected Bibliography | Works in Languages other than English | Related Links | Contributor(s)
Biography - Criticism
Born in 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia, to sharecropper parents, Alice Walker has become one of the best-known and most highly respected writers in the U.S. Educated at Spelman College and Sarah Lawrence College, Walker, in a commencement speech at Sarah Lawrence years later, spoke out against the silence of that institution's curriculum when it came to African-American culture and history. Active in the 1960s Civil Rights Movement in the South, she used her own and others' experiences as material for her searing examination of politics and black-white relations in her novel Meridian (1976).
Beginning with her first novel, The Third Life of Grange Copeland, Walker has focused on a matrix which includes sexual and racial realities within black communities as well as the unavoidable connections between family and society. For exposing the former, she has been criticized by some African-American male critics and theorists; for exploring the latter, she has been awarded numerous prizes while winning the hearts and minds of countless black and white readers. Perhaps her most famous work is The Color Purple, brought to the attention of mainstream America through the film adaptation by Steven Spielberg. In that novel of incest, lesbian love, and sibling devotion, Walker also introduces blues music as a unifying thread in the lives of many of the characters.
Refusing to ignore the tangle of personal and political themes, Walker has produced half a dozen novels, two collections of short stories, numerous volumns of poetry, and books of essays. Though she has attained fame and recognition in many countries, Walker has not lost her sense of rootedness in the South or her sense of indebtedness to her mother for showing her what the life of an artist entailed. Writing of this central experience in her famous essay, “In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens,” she talks about watching her mother at the end of a day of back-breaking physical labor on someone else's farm return home only to walk the long distance to their well to get water for her garden planted each year at their doorstep. Walker observed her design that garden, putting tall plants at the back and planting so as to have something in bloom from early spring until the end of summer. While not knowing what she was seeing at the time, the adult Walker names her mother an artist full of dedication, a keen sense of design and balance, and a tough conviction that life without beauty is unbearable.
Selected Bibliography
Works by the Author
* By The Light of My Father's Smile (1998)
* Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992)
* The Temple of My Familiar (1989)
* The Color Purple (1982)
* You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down (1981)
* Meridian (1976)
* In Love and Trouble (1973)
* The Third Life of Grange Copeland (1970)
* The way forward is with a broken heart (2001)
* Now is the time to open your heart (2004)
* The complete stories. (2000, 1994) London : Women's Press
* Finding the green stone. (1991) Juvenile audience
* Langston Hughes, American Poet (1974, 2002)
* The same river twice : honoring the difficult (1996)
* Warrior marks : female genital mutilation and the sexual blindings of women. With Pratibha Parmar. (1993)
* Sent by Earth: A Message from the Grandmother Spirit after the Attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (2001)
* Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful (1985)
* Revolutionary Petunias (1973)
* Once (1968)
* Her blue body everything we know : earthling poems, 1965-1990 complete (1991)
* Goodnight Willie Lee, I'll see you in the morning (1979)
* Absolute trust in the goodness of the earth : new poems. (2004)
* Living by the Word: Selected Writings 1973-1987 (1988)
* In Search of Our Mother's Gardens (1983)
* Anything we love can be saved : a writer's activism (1997)
Visual and sound material
* A place of rage. Interviews: T Minh-Ha Trinh; June Jordan; Angela Yvonne Davis; Alice Walker; Pratibha Parmar. (1991), videocassette (52 min.) New York, NY : Women Make Movies
* My life as my self (1996) sound cassette (ca. 90 min.)Boulder, CO : Sound True Audio
* Voices of power, Bell Hooks; Alice Walker; Martha L Wharton; Valerie Lee (2000, 1999) : Videorecording (29 min.)Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities & Sciences,
* Giving birth, finding form, Alice Walker; Isabel Allende; Jean Shinoda Bolen, (1993) sound cassette, Boulder, CO : Sounds True Recordings
* Alice Walker reads “Nineteen fifty-five”(short story). (1987) sound cassette (36 min.)Columbia, Mo. : American Audio Prose Library,
* Pema Chödrön & Alice Walker in conversation. (1998) videocassette (51 min.)Boulder, CO : Sounds True,
* Gardening the soul, with Michael Toms. (2000) 2 sound cassettes. Carlsbad, Calif. : Hay House Audio
* Alice Walker: Possessing the secret of joy. (2000, 1992) videocassette (51 min.).Princeton, N.J. : Films for the Humanities & Sciences,
* Alice Walker: everyday use, uncommon art. Bruce R Schwartz; Evelyn C White; Alice Walker; (2004) 2 videodiscs (46 min.)Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities,
“This two-part series offers an in-depth study of Alice Walker's widely studied short story, 'Everyday Use, ' combining a poignant film adaptation with a focused interview of the author conducted by her official biographer, Evelyn White”--Container
Works about the Author
* Allan, Tuzyline. Womanist and Feminist Aesthetics: A Comparative Review. Athens: Ohio UP, 1995.
* Butler-Evans, Elliott. Race, Gender, and Desire: Narrative Strategies in the Fiction of Toni Cade Bombara, Toni Morrison, and Alice Walker. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1989.
* Russell, Sandi. Render Me My Song: African-American Women Writers from Slavery to the Present. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Works in Languages other than English
The Color Purple:
* El color púrpura. Transl. Ana Ma. de la Fuente. Barcelona : Esplugues de Llobregat : Plaza & Janés, Series: Gran parada. 1984. Spanish
* Màu tím. Transl. Nguyên Thi. Westminster, CA : Ngu'o'i Viet, 1991. Vietnamese
* La couleur pourpre. Transl. Mimi Perrin. Paris : Éditions Robert Laffont. 1984. French
* Die Farbe Lila. Transl. Helga Pfetsch. Hamburg : Rowohlt. 1984. German
* Zi se jie mei hua. Transl. Chang Hui-chien (Zhang Huiqian ? same person?) Taipei : Crown. 1986;
* Zi se jie mei hua. Transl. Shi Jiqing. Taibei Shi : Yao Yiying : Da di chu ban she. 1986;
* Zi se jie mei hua. Transl. Lan Tsu-wei. Taibei : Yu zhou guang chu ban she, 1992. Chinese
* Zi yan se. Transl. Jie Tao. Beijing : Wai guo wen xue chu ban she. 1986 Chinese
* Zi se. Transl. Jianying Zhang. Changchun Shi : Jilin she ying chu ban she. 2001. Chinese
* Murasaki no furue. Transl. Yumiko Yanagisawa. Tokyo : Shueisha. 1985 Japanese
* Kara papuru. Transl. Yumiko Yanagisawa. Tokyo : Shueisha. 1986 Japanese
* A cor púrpura. Transl. Peg Bodelson, Betúlia Machado, Maria José Silveira. São Paulo : Editora Marco Zero. 1986 Portuguese
* Kolor purpury. Transl. Michal Klobukowski. Warszawa : Warszawskie Wyd. Literackie MUZA SA. 2003. Polish
* Barva nachu. Transl. Jirí Hrubý. Praha : Argo, 2001. Czech
* De kleur paars. Transl. Irma van Dam. Amsterdam : Rainbow Pocketboeken. 1986. Dutch
* ha-Tseva` argeman. Transl. Shulamit Kedem Tel Aviv : “Ladori”,1980-1986?. Hebrew 0 Kedves joisten. Transl. Dezsenyi Katalin. Budapest : Europa Konyvkiado. 1987. Hungarian
* Kollo popul. Transl. Han-jung Cho. Seoul : Kumtap, 1983. Transl. Kim Chung. Kwangmyong-si [South Korea] : Toso Chulpan Tongsim. 1986. Korean
The Temple of my Familiar
* El templo de mis amigos. Barcelona : Plaza & Janes. 1990. Tramsl. Sofia Noguera.In Spanish
* Yoindul ui sinjon Transl. An Chong-hyo yok Soul T`ukpyolsi : Munhak Sasangsa 1990. Korean
By the light of my father's smile
* Por la luz de la sonrisa de mi padre. Transl. Miguel Martínez-Lage. Barcelona : Lumen. 2001. Spanish
* Chichi no kagayaku hohoemi no hikari de. Transl. Yumiko Yanagisawa Tokyo : Shueisha. 2001 Japanese
Possessing the secret of joy
* En posesion del secreto de la alegria. Transl. Gemma Rovira.. Barcelona : Plaza & Janes. 1993 Spanish
* Yorokobi no himitsu. Transl. Yanagizawa Yumiko. Tokyo : Shueisha. 1995. Japanese Unmirhan kippum ul kanjik hamyo. Transl. Su-min Ch`oe Soul-si : Munhak Segyesa. 1992. Korean
* Meridian. Transl. Thomas Lindquist. Munchen : Frauenbuchverlag. 1984. German
* Meridian. Transl. Takahashi Chikako. Tokyo : Asahi Shinbunsha. 1982. Japanese
* Meridian. Transl. Maria Letizia Bertorelle. Milano] : Frassinelli. 1987. Italian
In Love and Trouble
* Ai to kuno no toki. Transl. Kususe Yoshiko. Kyoto : Yamaguchi Shoten. 1985. Japanese
* De amor e desespero : histórias de mulheres negras. Transl. Waldea Barcellos. Rio de Janeiro : Rocco. 1998. Portuguese
You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down
* Non puoi tenere sottomessa una donna in gamba. Transl. Roberta Rambelli [Milano] : Franssinelli. 1988. Italian
The Third Life of Grange Copeland
* ha-Hizdamnut ha-shelishit. Transl. Sharonah `Adini[Tel-Aviv] : Kineret. 1989 Hebrew
In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens
* Auf der Suche nach den Gärten unserer Mütter. Transl. Gertraude Krueger München : Frauenbuchverlag. German. 1987
* Zora Neale Hurston : Reader zum Auftakt der deutschsprachigen Edition der Werke Zora Neale Hurstons Zürich : Ammann. 1993. German
* Blicke vom Tigerrücken : Gedichte Englisch-Deutsch Alice Walker,. Gerhard Döhler. Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt. 1996. German
* Beim Schreiben der Farbe Lila und andere essays. Transl. Gertraude Krueger, Thomas Lindquist und Helga Pfetsch. München : Frauenbuchverlag. 1987. German
* Krasnye petunii : rasskazy. Transl. M. Tugusheva. Moskva : Izvestiia. 1986. Russian
Works about the author in other languages
* Koenen, Anne. Zeitgenössische afro-amerikanische Frauenliteratur : Selbstbild und Identität bei Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Toni Cade Bambara und Gayl Jones. Frankfurt ; New York : Campus Verlag. 1985 German
* Pierre, Alix. L'image de la femme resistante chez quatre romancieres noires : Maryse Conde, Simone Schwarz-Bart, Toni Morrison et Alice Walker / 1995. Thesis/dissertation/manuscript French
Related Links
* SALON: Alice Walker Interview
A portion of an interview with Alice Walker in Salon, “an interactive magazine of books, arts and ideas.”
* Alice Walker--Anniina Jokinen
A page on the author including biographical information and many links to related sites.
* [Alice Walker--Grolier Publishing](
Brief bio of the author.
* Alice Walker--Literature Database, NYU
Contains pointers to annotations (summaries) of one or more of the author's texts.
* A Letter to President Clinton
...that Alice Walker wrote on the subject of his administration's policies toward the people of Cuba. In it, she rejects his invitation to the White House because of those policies.
* Living By Grace: The Life and Times of Alice Walker
Contains a six-part biography, a bibliography, a listing of her complete works and writing influences, as well as a fact sheet about the author.
* Women Make Movies: A Film About Alice Walker
Information about Visions of the Spirit: A Portrait of Alice Walker, a film by Elena Featherston.
This page was researched and submitted by: Toni McNaron on 7/8/96. Bibliography of translated works was added by Maria Zavialova on 9/20/2004.
Listed below are links to pages and sites that reference this page.
» Bambara, Toni Cade from Bios
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©2006 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.
Alice Walker is also a singer/songwriter from the Essex, United Kingdom area and playing gigs over the United Kingdom with several CDs and EPs on sale.
b. 1944
At the moment of crisis I realize that, because my hands are bound, I can not adjust my glasses, and therefore must tilt my head awkwardly in order to locate and focus on a blue hill. . . . I notice there is a blue hill rising above and just behind the women and their naked-bottomed little girls, who now stand in rows fifty feet in front of me. In front of them kneels my little band of intent faces. Mbati is unfurling a banner, quickly, before the soldiers can stop her. . . All of them--Adam, Olivia, Benny, Pierre, Raye, Mbati-- hold it firmly and stretch it wide. RESISTANCE IS THE SECRET OF JOY! it says in huge block letters. There is a roar as if the world cracked open and I flew inside. I am no more. And satisfied.
--Possessing the Secret of Joy
Jump to: Biography and Criticism | Selected Bibliography | Works in Languages other than English | Related Links | Contributor(s)
Biography - Criticism
Born in 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia, to sharecropper parents, Alice Walker has become one of the best-known and most highly respected writers in the U.S. Educated at Spelman College and Sarah Lawrence College, Walker, in a commencement speech at Sarah Lawrence years later, spoke out against the silence of that institution's curriculum when it came to African-American culture and history. Active in the 1960s Civil Rights Movement in the South, she used her own and others' experiences as material for her searing examination of politics and black-white relations in her novel Meridian (1976).
Beginning with her first novel, The Third Life of Grange Copeland, Walker has focused on a matrix which includes sexual and racial realities within black communities as well as the unavoidable connections between family and society. For exposing the former, she has been criticized by some African-American male critics and theorists; for exploring the latter, she has been awarded numerous prizes while winning the hearts and minds of countless black and white readers. Perhaps her most famous work is The Color Purple, brought to the attention of mainstream America through the film adaptation by Steven Spielberg. In that novel of incest, lesbian love, and sibling devotion, Walker also introduces blues music as a unifying thread in the lives of many of the characters.
Refusing to ignore the tangle of personal and political themes, Walker has produced half a dozen novels, two collections of short stories, numerous volumns of poetry, and books of essays. Though she has attained fame and recognition in many countries, Walker has not lost her sense of rootedness in the South or her sense of indebtedness to her mother for showing her what the life of an artist entailed. Writing of this central experience in her famous essay, “In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens,” she talks about watching her mother at the end of a day of back-breaking physical labor on someone else's farm return home only to walk the long distance to their well to get water for her garden planted each year at their doorstep. Walker observed her design that garden, putting tall plants at the back and planting so as to have something in bloom from early spring until the end of summer. While not knowing what she was seeing at the time, the adult Walker names her mother an artist full of dedication, a keen sense of design and balance, and a tough conviction that life without beauty is unbearable.
Selected Bibliography
Works by the Author
* By The Light of My Father's Smile (1998)
* Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992)
* The Temple of My Familiar (1989)
* The Color Purple (1982)
* You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down (1981)
* Meridian (1976)
* In Love and Trouble (1973)
* The Third Life of Grange Copeland (1970)
* The way forward is with a broken heart (2001)
* Now is the time to open your heart (2004)
* The complete stories. (2000, 1994) London : Women's Press
* Finding the green stone. (1991) Juvenile audience
* Langston Hughes, American Poet (1974, 2002)
* The same river twice : honoring the difficult (1996)
* Warrior marks : female genital mutilation and the sexual blindings of women. With Pratibha Parmar. (1993)
* Sent by Earth: A Message from the Grandmother Spirit after the Attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (2001)
* Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful (1985)
* Revolutionary Petunias (1973)
* Once (1968)
* Her blue body everything we know : earthling poems, 1965-1990 complete (1991)
* Goodnight Willie Lee, I'll see you in the morning (1979)
* Absolute trust in the goodness of the earth : new poems. (2004)
* Living by the Word: Selected Writings 1973-1987 (1988)
* In Search of Our Mother's Gardens (1983)
* Anything we love can be saved : a writer's activism (1997)
Visual and sound material
* A place of rage. Interviews: T Minh-Ha Trinh; June Jordan; Angela Yvonne Davis; Alice Walker; Pratibha Parmar. (1991), videocassette (52 min.) New York, NY : Women Make Movies
* My life as my self (1996) sound cassette (ca. 90 min.)Boulder, CO : Sound True Audio
* Voices of power, Bell Hooks; Alice Walker; Martha L Wharton; Valerie Lee (2000, 1999) : Videorecording (29 min.)Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities & Sciences,
* Giving birth, finding form, Alice Walker; Isabel Allende; Jean Shinoda Bolen, (1993) sound cassette, Boulder, CO : Sounds True Recordings
* Alice Walker reads “Nineteen fifty-five”(short story). (1987) sound cassette (36 min.)Columbia, Mo. : American Audio Prose Library,
* Pema Chödrön & Alice Walker in conversation. (1998) videocassette (51 min.)Boulder, CO : Sounds True,
* Gardening the soul, with Michael Toms. (2000) 2 sound cassettes. Carlsbad, Calif. : Hay House Audio
* Alice Walker: Possessing the secret of joy. (2000, 1992) videocassette (51 min.).Princeton, N.J. : Films for the Humanities & Sciences,
* Alice Walker: everyday use, uncommon art. Bruce R Schwartz; Evelyn C White; Alice Walker; (2004) 2 videodiscs (46 min.)Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities,
“This two-part series offers an in-depth study of Alice Walker's widely studied short story, 'Everyday Use, ' combining a poignant film adaptation with a focused interview of the author conducted by her official biographer, Evelyn White”--Container
Works about the Author
* Allan, Tuzyline. Womanist and Feminist Aesthetics: A Comparative Review. Athens: Ohio UP, 1995.
* Butler-Evans, Elliott. Race, Gender, and Desire: Narrative Strategies in the Fiction of Toni Cade Bombara, Toni Morrison, and Alice Walker. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1989.
* Russell, Sandi. Render Me My Song: African-American Women Writers from Slavery to the Present. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
Works in Languages other than English
The Color Purple:
* El color púrpura. Transl. Ana Ma. de la Fuente. Barcelona : Esplugues de Llobregat : Plaza & Janés, Series: Gran parada. 1984. Spanish
* Màu tím. Transl. Nguyên Thi. Westminster, CA : Ngu'o'i Viet, 1991. Vietnamese
* La couleur pourpre. Transl. Mimi Perrin. Paris : Éditions Robert Laffont. 1984. French
* Die Farbe Lila. Transl. Helga Pfetsch. Hamburg : Rowohlt. 1984. German
* Zi se jie mei hua. Transl. Chang Hui-chien (Zhang Huiqian ? same person?) Taipei : Crown. 1986;
* Zi se jie mei hua. Transl. Shi Jiqing. Taibei Shi : Yao Yiying : Da di chu ban she. 1986;
* Zi se jie mei hua. Transl. Lan Tsu-wei. Taibei : Yu zhou guang chu ban she, 1992. Chinese
* Zi yan se. Transl. Jie Tao. Beijing : Wai guo wen xue chu ban she. 1986 Chinese
* Zi se. Transl. Jianying Zhang. Changchun Shi : Jilin she ying chu ban she. 2001. Chinese
* Murasaki no furue. Transl. Yumiko Yanagisawa. Tokyo : Shueisha. 1985 Japanese
* Kara papuru. Transl. Yumiko Yanagisawa. Tokyo : Shueisha. 1986 Japanese
* A cor púrpura. Transl. Peg Bodelson, Betúlia Machado, Maria José Silveira. São Paulo : Editora Marco Zero. 1986 Portuguese
* Kolor purpury. Transl. Michal Klobukowski. Warszawa : Warszawskie Wyd. Literackie MUZA SA. 2003. Polish
* Barva nachu. Transl. Jirí Hrubý. Praha : Argo, 2001. Czech
* De kleur paars. Transl. Irma van Dam. Amsterdam : Rainbow Pocketboeken. 1986. Dutch
* ha-Tseva` argeman. Transl. Shulamit Kedem Tel Aviv : “Ladori”,1980-1986?. Hebrew 0 Kedves joisten. Transl. Dezsenyi Katalin. Budapest : Europa Konyvkiado. 1987. Hungarian
* Kollo popul. Transl. Han-jung Cho. Seoul : Kumtap, 1983. Transl. Kim Chung. Kwangmyong-si [South Korea] : Toso Chulpan Tongsim. 1986. Korean
The Temple of my Familiar
* El templo de mis amigos. Barcelona : Plaza & Janes. 1990. Tramsl. Sofia Noguera.In Spanish
* Yoindul ui sinjon Transl. An Chong-hyo yok Soul T`ukpyolsi : Munhak Sasangsa 1990. Korean
By the light of my father's smile
* Por la luz de la sonrisa de mi padre. Transl. Miguel Martínez-Lage. Barcelona : Lumen. 2001. Spanish
* Chichi no kagayaku hohoemi no hikari de. Transl. Yumiko Yanagisawa Tokyo : Shueisha. 2001 Japanese
Possessing the secret of joy
* En posesion del secreto de la alegria. Transl. Gemma Rovira.. Barcelona : Plaza & Janes. 1993 Spanish
* Yorokobi no himitsu. Transl. Yanagizawa Yumiko. Tokyo : Shueisha. 1995. Japanese Unmirhan kippum ul kanjik hamyo. Transl. Su-min Ch`oe Soul-si : Munhak Segyesa. 1992. Korean
* Meridian. Transl. Thomas Lindquist. Munchen : Frauenbuchverlag. 1984. German
* Meridian. Transl. Takahashi Chikako. Tokyo : Asahi Shinbunsha. 1982. Japanese
* Meridian. Transl. Maria Letizia Bertorelle. Milano] : Frassinelli. 1987. Italian
In Love and Trouble
* Ai to kuno no toki. Transl. Kususe Yoshiko. Kyoto : Yamaguchi Shoten. 1985. Japanese
* De amor e desespero : histórias de mulheres negras. Transl. Waldea Barcellos. Rio de Janeiro : Rocco. 1998. Portuguese
You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down
* Non puoi tenere sottomessa una donna in gamba. Transl. Roberta Rambelli [Milano] : Franssinelli. 1988. Italian
The Third Life of Grange Copeland
* ha-Hizdamnut ha-shelishit. Transl. Sharonah `Adini[Tel-Aviv] : Kineret. 1989 Hebrew
In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens
* Auf der Suche nach den Gärten unserer Mütter. Transl. Gertraude Krueger München : Frauenbuchverlag. German. 1987
* Zora Neale Hurston : Reader zum Auftakt der deutschsprachigen Edition der Werke Zora Neale Hurstons Zürich : Ammann. 1993. German
* Blicke vom Tigerrücken : Gedichte Englisch-Deutsch Alice Walker,. Gerhard Döhler. Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt. 1996. German
* Beim Schreiben der Farbe Lila und andere essays. Transl. Gertraude Krueger, Thomas Lindquist und Helga Pfetsch. München : Frauenbuchverlag. 1987. German
* Krasnye petunii : rasskazy. Transl. M. Tugusheva. Moskva : Izvestiia. 1986. Russian
Works about the author in other languages
* Koenen, Anne. Zeitgenössische afro-amerikanische Frauenliteratur : Selbstbild und Identität bei Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Toni Cade Bambara und Gayl Jones. Frankfurt ; New York : Campus Verlag. 1985 German
* Pierre, Alix. L'image de la femme resistante chez quatre romancieres noires : Maryse Conde, Simone Schwarz-Bart, Toni Morrison et Alice Walker / 1995. Thesis/dissertation/manuscript French
Related Links
* SALON: Alice Walker Interview
A portion of an interview with Alice Walker in Salon, “an interactive magazine of books, arts and ideas.”
* Alice Walker--Anniina Jokinen
A page on the author including biographical information and many links to related sites.
* [Alice Walker--Grolier Publishing](
Brief bio of the author.
* Alice Walker--Literature Database, NYU
Contains pointers to annotations (summaries) of one or more of the author's texts.
* A Letter to President Clinton
...that Alice Walker wrote on the subject of his administration's policies toward the people of Cuba. In it, she rejects his invitation to the White House because of those policies.
* Living By Grace: The Life and Times of Alice Walker
Contains a six-part biography, a bibliography, a listing of her complete works and writing influences, as well as a fact sheet about the author.
* Women Make Movies: A Film About Alice Walker
Information about Visions of the Spirit: A Portrait of Alice Walker, a film by Elena Featherston.
This page was researched and submitted by: Toni McNaron on 7/8/96. Bibliography of translated works was added by Maria Zavialova on 9/20/2004.
Listed below are links to pages and sites that reference this page.
» Bambara, Toni Cade from Bios
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©2006 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.
Alice Walker is also a singer/songwriter from the Essex, United Kingdom area and playing gigs over the United Kingdom with several CDs and EPs on sale.
Seen live