There is more than one artist under this name: 1. ARM, a Japanese arranger and composer for several doujin circles. He's mostly known for being one of the main members of the doujin circle IOSYS and the music unit ALBATROSICKS. 2. Arm, an improvisational trio with Are Mokkelbost, Alexander Rishaug and Arne Borgan; started in 1996. Related artists are Single Unit and Killl. More info can be found on Are Mokkelbost-archive. 3. Arm, a 3 piece from Minneapolis, MN, USA; active from 1992 to 1997. 4. Arm, a German punk-band. 5. ARM, a japanese project of Daishi Hisakawa, member of Tanzmuzik, who produced the "Armedphone Tour " album on Transonic Records which consists of multiple tracks of cut up / breakbeat tracks lasting less than a minute meant to be played in random order.