Asomvel is a heavy metal band that was formed in the United Kingdom in 1993. ASOMVEL - A Dream To Some...A Nightmare To Others These guys calmly walk on, bludgeon your senses with a baseball bat and then retire to the bar, leaving you with what's left of your mind in a pool in your pants. Brandishing a broken whiskey bottle to smash into the grinning faces of every slack jawed liberal. Stinking of leather, beer, engine oil & Brut 33, they take no prisoners whatsoever in their quest for, louder, heavier, and louder again! They turn everything up to ear shattering volume in a destructive crusade to wage war against the over hyped pretty boys and hipsters polluting metal. You don't like ASOMVEL? Well fuck you. And fuck all your family and friends as well. You may hate them, but they hate you more! Open up and say arrgghhhhhh!!!