Bastions was a visceral hardcore band formed in 2009, originally hailing from Menai Bridge, Wales, United Kingdom. Following on from 2011's monumental album 'Hospital Corners', even a casual fan should credit Bastions for the path they have taken over the last 18 months or so. Releasing two thematically linked EP's, a concept as grand in scope as it is in sonics. A bold claim perhaps, but one based upon logical, modern thought. Freed from the pressure of delivering a sophomore album, Bastions have dredged everything from a blues-like despondency to Converge-esque piques of auditory violence. 'Bedfellows' has allowed the band to live and breathe a story and concept in a way that an album would not allow, showing a creative depth and songwriting maturity that doesn't sacrifice an ounce of ferocity. Having completed the 'Bedfellows' concept, Bastions are now left at a tantalising, fascinating crossroads. Having continued to eschew genre confines at every turn, there is no way to sum them up, other than to call them simply one of the most consistently exciting heavy bands we have. Jamie McDonald Zachary Birchley Jamie Burne Kieran Brindley