No Devotion
No Devotion are a Welsh-American 6 piece alternative-rock band formed in July 2014, consisting of members from former bands Lostprophets and Thursday.Lee Gaze (lead guitar, backing vocals), Luke Johns...
Rock Alternative Indie Alternative rock Post-punk
No Direction
There are several bands called No Direction.1) No Direction is an energy driven, four-piece rock band from Milwaukee, WI. The band is influenced by classic rock, jazz, much of the mid-west indie scen...
No Disco
No Disco is a three piece indie punk group from Victoria, BC. It is composed of singer and keyboardist Priya Mulgaonkar, bassist Andrew Taylor, and drummer Michael Skinnider.
No Fit State
“Screaming Fertile Energetic Anarcha Feminist Banshees”…fay - vocals / jo d - bass / katerina - drums / jo b - violin / bethan - guitar / tamzin - cornet
No Fun at All
No Fun At All (often abbreviated to just NFAA) is a melodic punk rock band that was formed in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden back in the summer of 1991. The group initially consisted of Mikael Danielsson (gu...
Crack rock steady band from Glen Rock, New Jersey. In 2006 they released 5 track EP called Building For Nothing.Members: Captain Falco(guitar/vocals), ANT(bass), JB-Melishank(guitar/accordion), Jack(...
Punk Ska punk
No Joy
The doomy shoegaze band No Joy began in November 2009, when guitarist/vocalist Jasamine White-Gluz was living in Los Angeles and guitarist/vocalist Laura Lloyd was living in Montreal. The pair wrote s...
Female vocalists Shoegaze Lo-fi Dream pop
No Love Lost
5 artists under the name No Love Lost. 1) Australian hardcore band. Who have just released their debut album "Unleash The Shackled" on Dog Fight Records. Buffalo, ...
No Made Sense
No Made Sense were a progressive/experimental rock band from the UK.The band finished and self-released its second album in 2011. It's available for streaming or free download at this address - http:/...
Progressive metal Sludge