Beat the Red Light
Beat the red light are a ska metal, hardcore band from High Wycombe, United Kingdom.They recorded their first EP 'BTRL' in 2009 which was later re-released on TNS Records. They released their debut fu...
Ska Punk Hardcore
Médéric and Alexis are made of electricity and can be considered as the sons of electronic music. These two French guys from the Normandy countryside started producing music at home in their bedroom, ...
Electronic Electro French Club
GenreHip popMembersDaniel Dubose aka Bozo - LyricistAndrew Bullimore aka Bully - Producer and singerStuart Anderson aka Disco - DrummerPhil Murphy aka Philonius Funk - Scratch DJ Alex Yeoman aka YoYo ...
Hip Hop
Beatenberg is a fresh new face in pop music from South Africa. Or rather, three faces, handsome and young and intelligent. The faces are of Matthew Field, who also has a beautiful voice and plays the ...
There is more than one artist named Beatlemania.The most well known one is a Broadway show from the late 70's through the early 80's. The show was a concept of its producers, Steven Leber and David Kr...
Seen live
There are at least two artists that go by the name Beatnik;The first is the artist signed to the "Box Social" label, which released the e.p "A Master Class In Whatever" which is a progressive concept ...
Psychedelic Psytrance
Beatričė Pundžiūtė gimusi medikų šeimoje, jau nuo darželio dainavo mažame ansamblyje, o mokykloje grojo ir dainavo kantri muzikos grupėje. Pirmos atlikėjos dainos pasirodė „Radistai“ albume.