Browse Artists

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For years, the United Kingdom has provided the hardcore scene with quality acts including Bring Me The Horizon, Gallows, Architects, and Asking Alexandria to name a few. Following suit, five friends f...

Metal Hardcore Metalcore


There is more than one artist with this name:1) Contraband was a short-lived super group featuring some of the biggest names in the 80's metal scene. They released just one album of good time hard roc...

Hard Rock Russian


Contrabanned is a name used by several bands. They include:1). An improvisational art-rock band (2002 - 2004) in Hawaii known for outlandish stage shows, and audience directed song titles.2). A DJ3)....


There is more than one artist with this name:1) Control is a power electronics outfit of noise musician Thomas Garrison. He also performs under the name Exsanguinate, and runs Misanthropy Studio, http...

Dark ambient Noise

Control Is Dead

A 5 piece band formed within the scenic and peaceful...trashy surroundings of Keighley/Bradford. Catchy hooks, driving powerful verses and instrumental work that will leave you salivating at the mouth...

Rock Metal Emo

Control The Storm

Control the Storm was founded in 2010 with a shared view to write and record passionate and exciting metal with unfaltering conviction. Rich Shillitoe, Daryl Barrett-Cross, Gareth Arlett and Raedon Ma...


Converge is a 4-piece American band, formed in February of 1990 in Salem, Massachusetts, United States. Playing a blend of extreme metal and hardcore punk, this pioneer outfit helped define a lot of t...

Hardcore Metalcore


con·vex[adj. kon-veks, kuhn-; n. kon-veks]adjective1. Rocka. Loudb. Heavynoun2. the Convex soundOrigin:2013;

Convoi Exceptionnel

Convoi Exceptionnel WalesMusic

Folk Ambient


There are more than one artist named Conway.1) Conway ( is a singer, writer and a sayer of things that are on her mind and stuck in her side. She wants to tell you what she sees and how ...

Pop Indie Indie pop