The UK’s Dyscarnate play their own unique breed of intense, blistering death metal. After devastating venues across the UK, they have become a force to be reckoned with on the frontline of the British...
Metal Death metal Brutal death metal Technical death metal
Formed in the Spring of 2003 and named after the Dysecatmotel in Amsterdam where they first met, Dÿse (pronounced Dew-zuh[am.]) began as a fun, drunken side project for Jari and André to try new thing...
Seen live Experimental German
Anti-Humanity hardcore from North London, England."Fuck The Future" out now digitally and on vinyl June 2015.
DZ Deathrays
DZ Deathrays are a two piece dance punk band from Brisbane, Australia. Started playing house parties, will most likely end at one. Formerly DZ. Their debut EP, Ruined My Life was released in 2009. The...