.........................................))(( forever............................ ...........daydreaming....................real people........................................ ...........................
House Electro Disco
Hunger Moon
Upbeat and fast-paced folk/indie from Boise, ID formed in early 2009. A lot of the members play random instruments such as wooden sticks, triangle, cowbell, washboard,and spoon and bottle and were ve...
Hungry Ghosts Ghosts are a rock band based in Melbourne, Australia. They recorded their debut LP with Rowland S. Howard as producer. They then fol...
Instrumental Post-rock Baroque
Hungry Kids of Hungary
While the mere mention of their name often invokes raised eyebrows and amused smiles among the uninitiated, Brisbane four-piece Hungry Kids of Hungary produce music that inspires equal measures of cur...
Indie Rock Indie Indie pop Australian
There are multiple artists with this name:1) Hunter is a Polish heavy metal band founded in Szczytno in 1985, sometimes it is also classified as "soul metal" by the musicians themselves. Their music h...
Metal Heavy metal Thrash metal Polish
Hunter Gatherer
There are at least two bands called Hunter Gatherer1.The Rock 'n' Roll Beards as they where sometimes known hailed from Athens Georgia releasing an album on the now defunct Scene Police Label and Engi...
Hunter Muskett
Acoustic/electric, multi-part harmony band playing self-written songs from 1968-74 - often classified as 'folk-rock'.Formed in south London by Terry Hiscock, Chris George & Doug Morter. Roger Trevitt ...