Stee Downes
Stee Downes has been deeply involved with all area's of the music industry since 1997. He began playing bass with a live dance music outfit called "Nu root rhythm", recorded " The Big Smoke EP", and t...
Soul Funk Nu jazz
Steel Panther
In 2008, Metal Skool changed their name to Steel Panther.Steel Panther is a Los Angeles, California based glam metal parody band founded by former LA Guns vocalist Ralph Saenz (Michael Starr). Orig...
Metal Hard Rock Heavy metal
Steel Pulse
Probably the UK's most highly-regarded roots reggae outfit, Steel Pulse originally formed at Handsworth Wood Boys School, Birmingham, and comprised David Hinds (lead vocals, guitar), Basil Gabbidon (l...
Reggae Roots British Dub
Steel Threads
STEEL THREADS – BiographyNeil Wardleworth – Guitar / VocalsLaura Wilcockson – Fiddle / VocalsSteel Threads are an original acoustic band performing their own unique blend of rock and folk.Formed in 20...
Steely Dan
Steely Dan is an American jazz rock band which formed in 1972. The band was formed by Donald Fagen (vocals, keyboards) and Walter Becker (guitar, bass), who met in 1967 while both attended Bard Colleg...
Rock Jazz Classic rock 70s
Steevio has a long history of creating electronic music. He co-managed the UK's first electro-funk / breakdance club 'The Sidewalk' in Newcastle in the early 1980's, and was the driving force behind A...
Electronic Experimental Techno
Stefano Noferini
Stefano Noferini begins his artistic career in 1980 as one of the main contributors to the development of the nightlife in Florence, Italy. With his support, Florence becomes one of the focal points f...
House Electronic