Sunburned Hand of the Man
Sunburned Hand of the Man is an experimental band from Massachusetts that formed in 1997 from the remnants of the Boston psychedelic punk trio Shit Spangled Banner.Sunburned Hand of the Man has an amo...
1) In 1996 Donavon Frankenreiter formed the band Sunchild. In Sunchild, Frankenreiter was the lead guitar player but did not sing. The band had a 70s rock sound similar in style to The Black Crowes. T...
Progressive rock Trance Progressive trance
Sunda Arc
Sunda Arc are brothers Nick Smart and Jordan Smart, best known as key members of Norwich based alternate-jazz trio Mammal Hands. Sunda Arc channels the duo's love of electronic and dance music drawing...
(1): Swedish jazz-rock band that released one album in 1976. Featured Stephen Frankevich (brass instruments, vocals). Other members: Anita Nyman: vocals; Salomon Helperin: brass instruments; Carl-Axel...
Rock Jazz Progressive rock Fusion
Sunday (1994)
Sunday (1994) is a London-based trio consisting of Californian singer Paige Duddy (also known as XYLØ and Paige Turner), Slough musician Lee Newell, and an anonymous drummer known as X.
Sunday Best
Sunday Best is a 3 piece pop punk band from Athens, Tennessee, consisting of Chad Stafford (bass, vocals), Corey Gates (guitar, vocals), and Judge Hammond (drums). The band formed in July of 2009, and...
Sunday Driver
There are two bands by the name of Sunday Driver. One is a Rock/Alternative/Post-Hardcore band from Miami, FL formed up in 1995 that has put out 2 releases on Doghouse Records. The other are a Cambrid...
Rock Alternative
Sunday Girl
Jade Williams (born May 21, 1988 in Sidcup, England, calls Broxbourne home) is a British solo pop singer, who has performed under the stage names Sunday Girl and Whinnie Williams. After being asked (...
Pop Indie Electronic Female vocalists Electropop
Sunday Service
SUNDAY SERVICE RADIOstarted as a weekly show in 1996. you can listen to three hours of interviews, gig guide and new releases every monday live (10pm) on RADIO FSK , a non-commercial radiostation in h...