Casiokids is a Norwegian electro-pop ensemble from Bergen, Norway, formed in 2005. The band consists of Ketil Kinden Endresen, Fredrik Øgreid Vogsborg, Omar Johnsen and Kjetil Bjøreid Aabø. They are signed with Moshi Moshi Records. After releasing the single "Grønt lys i alle ledd / Togens hule" in the United Kingdom, the band was described by NME as "the best thing to come out of Norway since black metal." The band has been compared to fellow Norwegian artists The Whitest Boy Alive, Röyksopp, and Annie. They also have created an album named "Topp Stemning På Lokal Bar" that included the song "Fot i hose", which was included in the game FIFA 10, and listed by NME as the fourth best new song of the week. The music ranges from childish naivism to dark, harder grooves, but addictive melodies also play an important role in this melting pot of improvisation and absurdness. The samples used are taken from Norwegian radio shows for children, cassette-books about Africa, and interviews (done by the band) of young communist activists. The shadow puppet group Figuraturus tells the story of the starving tribe of African robots hunting for food.