The Bulgarian Symphonic Progressive Black Metal band CLAYMORE is formed in the summer of 1999 in the city of Ruse.
Founding members are Kamen (bass), Martin (guitar). Choosing the keyboard was complex and after three months of auditions we chose Tsvetelin (keyboards) - He became one of the pillars of Claymore. After a number of changes over the years, the current staff is: Martin - guitar; Kamen - drums; Tsvetelin - keyboards, Emil – vocals & bass;
CLAYMORE quickly became popular among Bulgarian fans with unique and pure style of melodic death/black metal combining aggression and melody in one, with influences from other styles like progressive, heavy, thrash, death, black metal, grind, as well as a good amount of classical music.
Their first ever performance was in September 1999 to start a long tour in many cities across Bulgaria, captivating audiences everywhere. This earned them a place at the biggest Bulgarian Underground Music Festival (Bourgas 2000). But this was just the beginning.
At the end of 2000 CLAYMORE recorded their first demo tracks, quickly followed by a demo CD called "Warriors of Claymore", which was posted on many web magazines and played on radio shows in Bulgaria and abroad.
During 2002 CLAYMORE worked hard on the sound quality for the recording of the actual demo "Released" consisting of 5 songs. These songs represent their style and part of their live shows.
CLAYMORE 's remarkable popularity and success earned them a places in:
•"Trash till Death",
•"Heatework festival",
•"Heart Rock festival",
•"Chaos fest",
•"Massacre Fest",
•"Legacy Open Air Fest",
•"Barock Fest",
•"Nightmare Fest",
•"Ost festival",
•"Sea Black Festival",
•”Urpin Fest”etc., where they played alongside with well known international
bands like Destruction,Dimmu Borgir , Primordial , Mystic Circle , Napalm Death , Sinister , Lord Belial , Graveworm , Eastern Front , Exumer , Negura Bunget , Izegrim , Spoil Engine , Zombie INC , etc.
CLAYMORE recorded their first full-lenght album "Prolonged Active Antagonism" and took part in "Black Curse Over Europe" tour in 2008. The album is out on D.O.P. (Bulgaria). Official mp3 distributors are Forces of Satan (Norway), Toxicity Records – Vodafone Live (Bulgaria).
They want to spread their music among the Underground circles all over the world. That actually happens - completion of the second album "Vengeance is Near" led to a deal with the Japanese label Red Rivet Records great step in the progress of the band . Included is the song "Centuries of chaos part II" compilation magazine TERRORIZER issue 247
After much effort, the band realized another dream: In 2014, CLAYMORE make his first European tour “Vengenace is Near” which passes through Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria. The second tour “Between Two Worlds” (2015) covers more countries - Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany. Both events are made possible with the help of the Municipal Foundation "Ruse-city free spirit."
Interview from “DECIBEL”
Because every day another band records another song. Because 83% of those songs are unlistenable and you can’t be bothered to sift through the dreck. Because metal is about not giving a shit and waking your own personal storm. Because music is universal, expression is boundless, and even indie labels (whatever that means these days) don’t know everything, Decibel brings you Throw Me a Frickin’ Label Hack. - See more at:
Interview and Review from “METAL HAMMER BG” Issue 14
“Bulgarian underground alive. And kicking! Here are examples ...”
“Instead of fighting for the attention of the listener, strings, piano and symphonic parties supplemented in perfect harmony. In this respect, Claymore presented as experienced musicians, and deserve to be proud of the professionalism and attention to detail are evident in the compositions. Plenty of sounds and motifs add a new dimension to the songs, to which anyone with more imagination will not reach.”
Review from "Beowolf"
"Their sound reminds me of something I would listen to if I wanted to watch the battle between the Orcs and all the other human like species in THE LORD OF THE RINGS" - See more at: http://www.beowolfproductions.com/Claymore-VengeanceIsNear.html
Review form Metal Center Poland webzine
“Claymore is a band coming from Bulgaria Ruse. The band likes to synfonic rhythms, dark as morning coffee metal. Claymore is one of those bands that takes us on an epic journey...” - See more at:
Review form Lords of Metal webzine
“Claymore is very good at what they do. I even sense a bit of evil in the music, which is a plus. Claymore plays some extremely symphonic and progressive black metal. It sounds like a cross between later Therion, Rhapsody and Dimmu Borgir. The very bombastic, very well composed and very well produced music makes this into a very professional album. Yet Claymore lacks the same thing for me. I miss the crucial element, that thing what makes black metal so unique. Nevertheless I would recommend this album to all lovers of symphonic metal, for this is too good to be ignored. ” - See more at:
The Bulgarian Symphonic Progressive Black Metal band CLAYMORE is formed in the summer of 1999 in the city of Ruse.
Founding members are Kamen (bass), Martin (guitar). Choosing the keyboard was complex and after three months of auditions we chose Tsvetelin (keyboards) - He became one of the pillars of Claymore. After a number of changes over the years, the current staff is: Martin - guitar; Kamen - drums; Tsvetelin - keyboards, Emil – vocals & bass;
CLAYMORE quickly became popular among Bulgarian fans with unique and pure style of melodic death/black metal combining aggression and melody in one, with influences from other styles like progressive, heavy, thrash, death, black metal, grind, as well as a good amount of classical music.
Their first ever performance was in September 1999 to start a long tour in many cities across Bulgaria, captivating audiences everywhere. This earned them a place at the biggest Bulgarian Underground Music Festival (Bourgas 2000). But this was just the beginning.
At the end of 2000 CLAYMORE recorded their first demo tracks, quickly followed by a demo CD called "Warriors of Claymore", which was posted on many web magazines and played on radio shows in Bulgaria and abroad.
During 2002 CLAYMORE worked hard on the sound quality for the recording of the actual demo "Released" consisting of 5 songs. These songs represent their style and part of their live shows.
CLAYMORE 's remarkable popularity and success earned them a places in:
•"Trash till Death",
•"Heatework festival",
•"Heart Rock festival",
•"Chaos fest",
•"Massacre Fest",
•"Legacy Open Air Fest",
•"Barock Fest",
•"Nightmare Fest",
•"Ost festival",
•"Sea Black Festival",
•”Urpin Fest”etc., where they played alongside with well known international
bands like Destruction,Dimmu Borgir , Primordial , Mystic Circle , Napalm Death , Sinister , Lord Belial , Graveworm , Eastern Front , Exumer , Negura Bunget , Izegrim , Spoil Engine , Zombie INC , etc.
CLAYMORE recorded their first full-lenght album "Prolonged Active Antagonism" and took part in "Black Curse Over Europe" tour in 2008. The album is out on D.O.P. (Bulgaria). Official mp3 distributors are Forces of Satan (Norway), Toxicity Records – Vodafone Live (Bulgaria).
They want to spread their music among the Underground circles all over the world. That actually happens - completion of the second album "Vengeance is Near" led to a deal with the Japanese label Red Rivet Records great step in the progress of the band . Included is the song "Centuries of chaos part II" compilation magazine TERRORIZER issue 247
After much effort, the band realized another dream: In 2014, CLAYMORE make his first European tour “Vengenace is Near” which passes through Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria. The second tour “Between Two Worlds” (2015) covers more countries - Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany. Both events are made possible with the help of the Municipal Foundation "Ruse-city free spirit."
Interview from “DECIBEL”
Because every day another band records another song. Because 83% of those songs are unlistenable and you can’t be bothered to sift through the dreck. Because metal is about not giving a shit and waking your own personal storm. Because music is universal, expression is boundless, and even indie labels (whatever that means these days) don’t know everything, Decibel brings you Throw Me a Frickin’ Label Hack. - See more at:
Interview and Review from “METAL HAMMER BG” Issue 14
“Bulgarian underground alive. And kicking! Here are examples ...”
“Instead of fighting for the attention of the listener, strings, piano and symphonic parties supplemented in perfect harmony. In this respect, Claymore presented as experienced musicians, and deserve to be proud of the professionalism and attention to detail are evident in the compositions. Plenty of sounds and motifs add a new dimension to the songs, to which anyone with more imagination will not reach.”
Review from "Beowolf"
"Their sound reminds me of something I would listen to if I wanted to watch the battle between the Orcs and all the other human like species in THE LORD OF THE RINGS" - See more at: http://www.beowolfproductions.com/Claymore-VengeanceIsNear.html
Review form Metal Center Poland webzine
“Claymore is a band coming from Bulgaria Ruse. The band likes to synfonic rhythms, dark as morning coffee metal. Claymore is one of those bands that takes us on an epic journey...” - See more at:
Review form Lords of Metal webzine
“Claymore is very good at what they do. I even sense a bit of evil in the music, which is a plus. Claymore plays some extremely symphonic and progressive black metal. It sounds like a cross between later Therion, Rhapsody and Dimmu Borgir. The very bombastic, very well composed and very well produced music makes this into a very professional album. Yet Claymore lacks the same thing for me. I miss the crucial element, that thing what makes black metal so unique. Nevertheless I would recommend this album to all lovers of symphonic metal, for this is too good to be ignored. ” - See more at: