Clutter is the solo experimental ambient name for musician Shaun Blezard who is a freelance musician and audio/visual artist based in Cumbria UK.
He works with sound, film, graphic design, web design and animation, both with his own work and for commission and leading workshops.
Shaun has worked for organisations including the BBC, Sound and Music, The National Trust, Youth Music, The Sage Gateshead and Apples & Snakes where he has created work for stage, film, installation, radio and the internet.
Shaun is an experienced workshop leader working for over 10 years helping communities find their own ways of artistic expression, through music, soundart, film, animation and design.
‘Field recordings, strings and dubbed out noises all crop up filling this 3” CD with more ideas than some full length albums. A bold, innovative release that leaves me hungry for more.’ Was Ist Das?
‘Thank you once again for your involvement with the R Factor project. Your talent, integrity and enthusiasm for the work you do, is very much appreciated by all those who have the good fortune to work with you.’ – Musiclinks
‘big thank you to Shaun for doing a great job in little time, music that he creates ALWAYS fits our needs’ – Workshop Media