Delaney Davidson; born northern island of New Zealand, 1972, age 0. Shipped down to Christchurch in a shoe box at 5 months old, after seeing the Rolling Stones play at 2 months old. Voted "Biggest Dreamer" in primary school, until he went to Special Dreamers School. Asked to leave Special Dreamers School after being suspended four times at the ripe old age of 14. Left New Zealand and migrated over the ditch to Australia to fail last year of school. Moved back to New Zealand and began his career in the Catering Industry, with training at the Rangiora Training Prison (R.T.P.), learnt to drink Whisky, and was fired from his first job as 2nd chef for urinating on the bar. Moved back to Australia, after this eventful year, and started playing music in Bars. "Doghouse" with Nique Needles, Stu Thomas and Mark Di Marzio, soon morphed into the Groundbreaking "the Brass Bed". 2002 found him married and living in Bern, Switzerland, where he met with "the Dead Brothers" and signed up. After enjoying the various successes of being a voodoo rhythm artist and other projects (Delemmis Caravan Basement Band, the OTIACS, and Alpine Cretins) aswell as 7 years of swiss life, Delaney now lives in his homeland of New Zealand in Wellington. He has released his first solo album "Rough Diamond" and plans the release of his second album within the next 6 months, with his Rough Diamond Ghost Orchestra. He also tours Solo with his Phantom Band, and has toured and played with "the Mysterious Tapeman", "the Reverend Beatman", "Posessed by Paul James", "G.Rag and los Hermanos Patchekos" and plans to tour the United States in October/November with Holly Go Lightly and the Brokeoffs. filmed here by miss rose salmon, the rough diamond ghost orchestra live in wanganui!!