Dr Robeatnik is a project Started in 2008 by Steve Allen when he discovered there was such a thing as a loop pedal, then within weeks played his first gigs improvising big parts of his sets and working out what works and what doesn't. He was never a singer in previous bands and hense it has been instrumental mixing (with just guitar loop and delay pedal) orchestral sounds by beating the guitar for the drums and using rhythm and lead in an intricate way to get the crowd hypnotised as they watch and listen t these songs been created before there eyes. In the summer of 2010 he took a small break while he had the urge to learn to sing, this is where the Same old Steve Project started. In a way it has similarities in the sense that all the music (guitar, bass, drums, mandolin, percussion etc) was all written and recorded by Steve himself. Now working on some new loop based songs and incorporating vocals into the mix. Watch this space. All recording so far have been done from live gig recordings. Free tracks can be downloaded at http://soundcloud.com/sameoldsteve