Ea-sy Kill ('i:zi kil) noun Nature. A term traditionally used to describe vulnerable game or prey e.g. ‘that deer was an easy kill’ / see also ‘the runt of the pack’ Historical. In modern times as man’s aggression has turned inward and his physical importance diminished, the phrase has been used to describe an ideological ostracising of members of society who are considered peripheral or expendable by the ruling class. Film. A poorly reviewed Crime thriller starring Sylvester Stallone’s younger brother Frank. Society & Arts. A self-referential phrase employed by certain members of the arts community inclined towards melancholy (Medicine: a prolonged or recurrent period characterised by a low mood/despondence). In this context users of the term may be victims of the aforementioned 'Historical' exclusion or sufferers of a mental condition...or more likely both Music. Easy Kill is also a four-piece alternative rock band from Manchester, England, founded in 2013 and lovingly maintained ever since by members: Theo Tobias, Ronan Clowes, Alex Howes and Thomas Short.