There are at least four artists with this name on 1. From the band's Bandcamp page: Feign is Jessica Pearson and Tijs Ham. These songs, drenched in melancholy, in a way reflect upon the essence of what it is to record music... Produced with an extremely basic setup, employing guitars, percussion and vocals... Shards of electronics pass by quietly while the songs themselves take center stage. 2. Hardcore/experimental band from Redmond, WA that started in 2009, played a house show, recorded some stuff, and will release a demo and play some more shows. Featuring guitar, drums, and soundclips/noise. 3. Deathcore band from Houston, TX. With ultra low tuning, and a nice bouncy sound, Feign brings the hardest, most ignorant mosh around. 4. Flint, MI band that has a sound influenced by emo, shoegaze, and post-hardcore. Featuring Oscar Solis on guitar and vocals, Jordan Gibson on bass, and Aidan Mathis on drums.