There are at least two bands named Fling: 1. Fling is an Irish folk band from the Netherlands; 2. Fling (플링) is a Korean rock band. 1. A 'Fling' in Irish musical vernacular is a traditional dance type found in various part of the country especially Kerry, Mayo and Donegal. Often related to a Highland fling, the tune itself has a wild, rugged and restless sound to it denoting an intimate yet rural atmosphere. Fling is also the name of a four-piece band. A group of articulate, accomplished musicians their interpretations of Irish traditional music and song is ensconced in their love and respect of Irish culture. As regards their use of a band name in Fling's case the choice is an appropriate one as with the tune for which they decided to call themselves by Fling's music is by turns wild, rugged and restless but above all its real, devoid of cliché and false mannerisms - it's sound is a living sound. 2. Fling (플링) is Korean rock band. First debut EP “Alive Young” was released (2015-02-24). Members : vocal & gt. 박동(Dong Park) / gt & synth. 태림(Tae-Rim). Label : Pandawhale ( Facebook :