Hateful - Oi! & Street Punk Rock band from Glasgow (ex-members of scottish street punk band Distorted Truth http://www.last.fm/music/Distorted+Truth ) Kev - Drummer/Vocals.... Alex - Vocals/Guitar.... Barry - Guitar/ Vocals..... Fra - Bass/Vocals.... Mike Menarry - Manager/Manipulator -------------------------- Hateful - Death Metal band from Italy Current members: Marcello Malagoli - Drums, Vocals Massimo Vezzani - Guitar (Shadowfost) Daniele Lupidi - Bass, Vocals, Guitar (Valgrind (Ita), Recreant) -------------------------- The Polish black metal band formed in 1996. The members of Hateful are : Morxakh - guitar and keyboards Demon - vocals (also vocals Szron ) Necro - drums ( also Ohtar,Selbstmord ) They released split with Szron in 2001 called " Key to immortality " .