Hot Vultures were a British folk-blues duo, consisting of Ian A. Anderson and Maggie Holland. Throughout most of the 1970s, they worked the UK and European folk circuits with their uniquely English approach to blues, old-time country and a few choice modern songs. For their three albums and whenever possible live, they also recruited many other excellent musicians of the day, including artists such as Martin Simpson, Dave Peabody, Simon Mayor, Hilary James, Mike Cooper, Pete Coe, Chris Coe, Al Jones and more. Hot Vultures developed into The English Country Blues Band, a core trio of Ian A. Anderson, Maggie Holland and Rod Stradling. ECBB was augmented by regular members Chris Coe, Sue Harris and John Maxwell. Guests on their albums included Nic Jones, John Kirkpatrick, Dave Peabody and Danny Stradling.