John Lennon McCullagh is the 15 year old Doncaster wonderkid armed with an acoustic guitar and his dad’s record collection has emerged as one of the voices of the year. Even the album title lays it on the line- London is a boom town- one of the great world cities but the rest of the UK is stressing and struggling- the north south divide where the guitar or football is still the only escape unless you count binge drinking on the weekend. It’s a scrapheap and the rich are laughing but they will never have a sound track as good as this. Signed to Alan McGees 359 imprint, John is a voice of a generation in what is, despite what they tell you, is a generation full of voices. This is a voice that is stained with Dylan and armed with a guitar and harmonica that hints at the tousled haired troubadours early sixties craft but there is such an English twist to it all this that it’s already somewhere else. the audacious kid has taken the past and made it into his future. that’s the beauty of youth- audacity. - See more at: