Kliment Dichev solo project emerges after years of musical experiments from ambient/chill/idm to progressive/psy trance. Born in Sofia, 1981, his common line had always been the perpetual quest for searching and sending deep messages through music, regardless of style and form.
Featuring several music projects (Samodelia, Disham, Once Upon a Time), he works in collaboration with producers and musicians such as Moshic, Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankoulov, Micromattic, Aura Rascon, Milena Sergueeva, Pavel Stoychev,, Orlin Cvetanov, Inatroya, Veselin Mitev to name a few.
Beside his solo project, Kliment has also wide experience in film score, theater and performance music, TV commercials and spots, sound design and field recording. His knowledge, skills and projects makes him one of the renowned producers in Bulgaria, with numerous gigs along world known artists such as Juno Reactor, Transglobal Underground, Banco de Gaia, Vibrasphere, Moshic, Atmos.
Most enjoyed gigs (at festivals): Boom 2004, Easter Sunday 2005, Transylvania calling 2005 and 2007, Ozora 2005, Soulclipse 2006, Underwater-Overground 2006, Gathering of the Tribes 2007, Sziget 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, Sofia Earthdance 2006, 2007, Artmospheric Festival 2007, 2008, 2009
Upcoming Releases:
• 'Simplexity' (Once upon a time full album), Electrik dream 2009
• EP 'Freedom Elevator', (Iboga Mexico, MX, 2009)
• Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankulov - Remixes (Drumboy 2009)
Discography (Albums):
“The Perpetual Ritual” (Electrik Dream, UK, 2009)
EP “UTC” Micromattic vs. Kliment (Aboslutive records, FR, 2009)
EP “Secondary Motion” (Iboga records, DK, 2008)
EP “Origins” (Contrast records, ISR, 2008)
EP “Memories of a picture” (Iboga records, DK, 2007)
“Time revision B” (OUIM.net, BG, 2006)
“Time revision A” (OUIM.net, BG, 2006)
“Far Above” (OUIM.net, BG, 2005)
“The eerie prophecy (Farfield records, UK, 2003)
Mana - “Music” (OUIM.net, BG, 2003)
Samodelia “Ambient” (OUIM.net, BG, 2002)
Samodelia “Trance” (OUIM.net, BG, 2002)
Discography (Compilations):
VA Progressive Goa Trance Vol 9, (YSE - UK, 2009)
VA Deep Electric Hypnosis, (YSE - UK, 2009)
VA Progressive Goa Trance Vol 7, (YSE - UK, 2008)
VA Swa-raaj (Chill OM Records, India, 2008)
VA Mioku (Controne records BG, 2008)
VA Electro Therapy (Electrik dream UK, 2007)
VA Cosmic chill Orange (Electrik dream UK, 2007)
VA Floating point 4 (Sofa Beats DK, 2007)
VA Port 1 (Port 1 records, BG, 2006)
VA Cosmic chill Red (Electrik dream, UK, 2006)
VA Beat om Beat (Mindsound records, DE, 2005)
VA Goa 2005 vol.3 (Y.S.E. - Millenium records, UK, 2005)
Film score and sound design
“Gluharche” (18', dir. Igor Hristov, BG, 2009)
“Trade Routes” (98', dir. Jim Loftus, USA-BG, 2008)
“The Collector” (20', dir. Borislav Kostov, BG, 2007)
“A day of a Junkie” (15', dir Todor Penkov, BG, 2003)
Theater and Performance music
Karol Lorak (Space of Perceptions Project, 2009)
Smoke Underwater (Jasmina Cholakova, 2008)
Two Towers (NariaInriMagaria, 2006)
Shhhh... (NariaInriMagaria, 2005)
Flowers (NariaInriMagaria, 2004)
Featuring several music projects (Samodelia, Disham, Once Upon a Time), he works in collaboration with producers and musicians such as Moshic, Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankoulov, Micromattic, Aura Rascon, Milena Sergueeva, Pavel Stoychev,, Orlin Cvetanov, Inatroya, Veselin Mitev to name a few.
Beside his solo project, Kliment has also wide experience in film score, theater and performance music, TV commercials and spots, sound design and field recording. His knowledge, skills and projects makes him one of the renowned producers in Bulgaria, with numerous gigs along world known artists such as Juno Reactor, Transglobal Underground, Banco de Gaia, Vibrasphere, Moshic, Atmos.
Most enjoyed gigs (at festivals): Boom 2004, Easter Sunday 2005, Transylvania calling 2005 and 2007, Ozora 2005, Soulclipse 2006, Underwater-Overground 2006, Gathering of the Tribes 2007, Sziget 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, Sofia Earthdance 2006, 2007, Artmospheric Festival 2007, 2008, 2009
Upcoming Releases:
• 'Simplexity' (Once upon a time full album), Electrik dream 2009
• EP 'Freedom Elevator', (Iboga Mexico, MX, 2009)
• Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankulov - Remixes (Drumboy 2009)
Discography (Albums):
“The Perpetual Ritual” (Electrik Dream, UK, 2009)
EP “UTC” Micromattic vs. Kliment (Aboslutive records, FR, 2009)
EP “Secondary Motion” (Iboga records, DK, 2008)
EP “Origins” (Contrast records, ISR, 2008)
EP “Memories of a picture” (Iboga records, DK, 2007)
“Time revision B” (OUIM.net, BG, 2006)
“Time revision A” (OUIM.net, BG, 2006)
“Far Above” (OUIM.net, BG, 2005)
“The eerie prophecy (Farfield records, UK, 2003)
Mana - “Music” (OUIM.net, BG, 2003)
Samodelia “Ambient” (OUIM.net, BG, 2002)
Samodelia “Trance” (OUIM.net, BG, 2002)
Discography (Compilations):
VA Progressive Goa Trance Vol 9, (YSE - UK, 2009)
VA Deep Electric Hypnosis, (YSE - UK, 2009)
VA Progressive Goa Trance Vol 7, (YSE - UK, 2008)
VA Swa-raaj (Chill OM Records, India, 2008)
VA Mioku (Controne records BG, 2008)
VA Electro Therapy (Electrik dream UK, 2007)
VA Cosmic chill Orange (Electrik dream UK, 2007)
VA Floating point 4 (Sofa Beats DK, 2007)
VA Port 1 (Port 1 records, BG, 2006)
VA Cosmic chill Red (Electrik dream, UK, 2006)
VA Beat om Beat (Mindsound records, DE, 2005)
VA Goa 2005 vol.3 (Y.S.E. - Millenium records, UK, 2005)
Film score and sound design
“Gluharche” (18', dir. Igor Hristov, BG, 2009)
“Trade Routes” (98', dir. Jim Loftus, USA-BG, 2008)
“The Collector” (20', dir. Borislav Kostov, BG, 2007)
“A day of a Junkie” (15', dir Todor Penkov, BG, 2003)
Theater and Performance music
Karol Lorak (Space of Perceptions Project, 2009)
Smoke Underwater (Jasmina Cholakova, 2008)
Two Towers (NariaInriMagaria, 2006)
Shhhh... (NariaInriMagaria, 2005)
Flowers (NariaInriMagaria, 2004)