Lindsay is a singer first and foremost. Playing guitar didn't come easy, but instead of relying on a rock & roll guitarist to play along to her humming, she bought her first guitar in St. John's Newfoundland in the early 2000's... Lindsay has traveled the globe in search of inspiration to fuel her song-writing. Most of her songs come from interactions with other people, namely CRUSHES and CRAZY people. She was born to sing, without a doubt and is currently working on her 2nd album "voxNaxe" an album featuring soley her voice and guitar, hence "voxNaxe". Lindsay was born in Bermuda, raised in Prince Edward County, lived in Switzerland, St. John's & Ireland and is currently based out of Wakefield Quebec. A Canadian at heart, Lindsay is a part of this wonderfully talented communtity of musicians, sharing the stage with the likes of Ron Sexsmith, Kathleen Edwards, Harry Manx, Serena Ryder, Gregory Hoskins, Lynn MIles, YOAV & Steve Earle. Look for Lindsay at a theatre near you, she will not disappoint.