Mighty Crown, also known as the Far East Rulaz, was founded in 1991 by friends from Yokohama, Japan. Mighty Crown gradually got their fame by playing at clubs and by selling self-produced mix tapes throughout Japan. After building their sound system (movable speaker boxes) in 1994,they started clashing with other Japanese sound systems and became the undisputed and undefeated sound clash champion in Japan (1998). Since then, they have been influencing and leading the whole dancehall scene in Japan. They have won several soundclashes in Jamaica and have toured internationally. Most recently they inked a deal with Nike to market a Mighty Crown shoe, have their own clothing line and continue to be a part of the Irish and Chin crew. For more info check: http://www.mightycrown.com/index.html Nine Rulaz: http://www.ninerulaz.com/ Irish & Chin: http://www.irishandchin.com/