Matthew Brue. Missio: (miss-ee-o) - Latin for "mission." Inspired by the words "All are from the dust, and to the dust all return," Missio seeks purity in broken things through minimalistic songwriting. The art of creating has become something that continues to show him that beauty and purity are found in all aspects of life. In times of emotional distress, he write songs. In times of invigorating happiness, he write songs. There has become an incredible comfort found in molding a blank canvas into a piece of art that he find to be extraordinarily beautiful. Prior to Missio, he found himself writing songs in the name of fame, lured by the sweet distaste of vanity. He found very little enjoyment in this endeavor. Festivals and showcases were played and he would often dislike singing certain songs....but for the sake of success who cares, right? he had lost my desire to create and nothing meant anything to me any longer. He lost purpose and became blinded by the opinions of people he would never meet. In August of 2013 he made the conscious decision to move into a 1974 airstream trailer, quieting my mind and focusing on my craft. He became inspired to create songs again, giving little thought to strangers opinions. Fifty two songs later he is ready to release a few of them. His desire in this endeavor is not an attempt to "grow my brand," He simply want to unite his family and friends into a lasting journey of sharing their gifts and love for the arts and its culture. May you hear these songs and be inspired to find purity in the things that are broken.