There are more than one band with this name (1) (2) PoPGuN band? Who they?? The individuals are:- Mark Armstrong – Vocals and Guitar Paul Knowles - DDDDrums and percussion Bob Needham – Ka Boom Boom Bass and Vocals Tony Steel – more DDDrums and percussion Stephen Wilson – Vocals and guitar. Together we are PoPGuN. So you ask what is PoPGuN about? We are about great tunes, lovingly crafted from the raw materials of great pop music. We all know what the ingredients are, but to reiterate they are:- A rhythm and a beat, with a little bit of catchy hooky bass, the jangle jangle of guitars making a sweet sound together… and then sweet sweet melody rolled together into songs!!! Yes songs, PopGun give you songs that will stick in your head and make you smile. We have been together for a while and some of us have been around in other groups previously. You might recall Sensitise, or maybe you think fondly of Sugarblast on those cold winter nights by the indie fire. There is also a bit of Rockin Ronnie Riot and the Rebels in there as well. PoPGuN are about song writing and although we might slip in a quality hand chosen cover on occasion, expect original stuff and none of it duff. Expect to sing along to the chorus while you wait for the last bus on your way home from the gig and then be humming the tunes the day after as you put salt and vinegar on your tea time chips and egg. Savour that big mug of tea ahhhhhh. PopGuN do it because we love it. We love to write songs, we love to play them for you and we think that you will love us as well. Have a listen to us at Check us out when we are playing because we think you will love us live as well.