There are at least two acts named Relay. 1. A Shoegaze band from Philadelphia, USA. 2. Another alias of unidentified UK Techno producer Shifted. Hey Everyone, due to problems with rights to the name Relay, we have changed our name to Arc in Round. For new tracks and tour dates, visit us at or or Philadelphia 4-piece Relay reflect a sonic sensibility garnered from endless hours of studio tracking, tweaking and sonic experimentation. The band spins out carefully crafted dark pop--taut yet spacey, noisy yet melodic. Humming bass, shuffly drums, glitchy keyboards and dissonant, pedal-treated guitar all melt together into an iridescent sheet of sonorous reduction, and you can still tap your foot to it. Inspired by everything from the layered-dissonance and experimentation of Disco Inferno and This Heat to the more obvious sonic reference points of My Bloody Valentine, Unwound and the Swirlies, their recent Type/Void EP, on Bubble Core Records, has been described as "one of the most surprisingly interesting and spellbinding releases we've heard all year." (treblezine)