1. from Isla Vista. http://arug.bandcamp.com/ 2. For the Randy Uchida Group, see R.U.G.. 3. On a sweltering midsummer day in 2000, Shane Hagan and Jon Messeroff met for the first time. It was not pleasant. Fresh off the boat from England, Shane was hiked an American football during a ninth grade P.E. class and didn't know what to do with it. Upon passing it to a member of the opposite team, Shane heard Jon's melodious voice for the first time; "What the f*** do you think you're doing?!" The rest is history. Years later, after the dust had settled, Shane and Jon started writing music together. Bassist Hogan Birney noticed that Rug was gaining some momentum and offered to play with the band for one show. He ended up staying a little longer. During an all-night Youtube session, Rug stumbled upon a local drummer with impeccable timing, and a flair for dry wit and sarcasm. Matt learned 9 songs inside of a week and traveled with 3 strangers on a 4 hour trip to a Tallahassee show. The lineup was complete. Rug has been enjoying Papa John's pizza, Mexican food, and writing music together ever since. For booking, please email the band at: rugtheband@gmail.com Rug implores everyone who plans on attending a live show to visit their nearest footwear retailer in order that they might purchase a comfortable pair of shoes intended for dancing/fancy footwork/etc.