In year 1.997, Beder Méndez (vocalista) had desire to arm aid and a band that could give a positive message for the lives of the others. Jairo Godoy (vulture) (ex- bear) it was united to Beder with the same eagerness and decided to begin a musical project. They began playing covers of groups like, Sebna, Vox Dei, Guardian, Petra, etc. This making it in churches and schools, with the name of Abrek (that means to kneel down in Greek language). In year 1.998 Luis Galindo was united (donkey) (ex- drummer), friend of Beder from the childhood. For this time already they had low, battery, guitar and main voice, and continued touching covers. In year 2.000 Luis left the band. In that same year, trying Beder and Jairo in a Church of Mixco (IBJ) I listen to a boy (Erick González), and he commented to them that his brother touched battery. Listening to this they said to him that it warned to him its brother for small hearing. Alex González (drummer) arrived at the church and it was put to touch, astonished Beder that by its age was very good to touch the battery, it asked to him if it would like to comprise of the band, and thus went that Alex entered to be member of the group at the age of 15 years. In year 2.001 it was united Carlos Jurisdictional (gaucho) (ex- guitarist) to the band, since they had very good friendship with Beder. They began to compose songs and to contribute so that the band had own songs. In that same year they recorded a simple one in Aragon Productions (Saúl and Rolando Aragon) giving the name him of That light in your interior. In the middle of that year Dickens Zamora was united (first guitar), since it attended the same church of Alex (Christian Assembly), and being in a test he arrived because they had a Biblical study, it was made the invitation to participate to him in the band and accepted. At the end of that year, Jairo and Carlos left the band. In year 2.002 touching Dickens, Alex and Beder, began to make new songs for the group. In the same church they looked for who could help them with the band, Delis Orozco (second guitar) entered the band because it shared the same to feel with all. Delis I speak to him to Samuel Merida (bearish) so that one became jumbled in the band and it accepted. Being the 5 members it was already decided to change the name of the band to a name in Spanish (before Abrek was called). Ideas were contributed but no expressed what they felt, was then who Samuel gave the name of Footpath, and really yes said what they wanted to present. Jesus said: I Am I walk, the Truth and the Life, nobody comes to the Father but by Me. Juan 14:6. Already with a new name and integral, they began to touch in several churches and activities of different associations. In year 2.003 Sender Salguero was united (tecladista), since they were good friendly with Beder. _ in that same year self record two simple in Production 9:2 with Tony Palace, be these: Unconditional love and Temptation. Aid in the radios looked for Shock 105,3 and Alive Radio 95,3, which abrieron their doors and since then they are in programming of both radios. For year 2.008 the launching of the first album is expected that will take to the name of the band.