Stem is a six person formation of sweat, hard work, great humor and of course heavy metal. Sharing a common interest in creating music that would always have the Stem signature written on it, the band has taken all their influences from the world of metal (Soilwork, Meshuggah, Goijra, Mnemic, Lamb Of God etc.),mixed them all together and finally covered the result with some delicious Stem-souce. Although the sound of the band is always brutal and heavy, the leitmotif in the music is also constant groove, great melodies and of course using all the advantages that having two lead-vocals could deliver. Through out the years Stem has given dozens of live shows and performed with many great names from Estonia and abroad (Mnemic, Vanity Beach, Instora, Jairus, Pedigree, Metsatöll etc). The group was originally formed in 2002 and since then the line-up has changed a lot. Finally in 2006 the band reached a golden combination, a combination of people who led Stem to it’s debut-album “Marble Men”. Since then a few more changes have taken place, for one the addition of Slide-Fifty guitarist Martin Kuut as a keyboard player has been hugely liberating, also the bassist position got filled with a new face yet again, taking in Madis Kaljuvee. The new video for "The Beast from the Great Beyond" is available at Members: Taavi Narits - vocals Mart Kinkar - vocals, guitar, keyboards Elijah Ivanov - guitar Kaur Kokk - guitar, programming Madis Kaljuvee - bass Kristjan Oden - drums Martin Kuut - keyboards Former members: Edmar Sulaoja - vocals Tanel Kõnd - bass Siim Maran - guitar Raido Traumann - bass