There are two bands named Stormcrow: 1. Stormcrow is death metal/crust punk band from Oakland, CA. U$A. Their music can be compared to bands along the lines of Bolt Thrower, Mammoth Grinder, Skaven, Sanctum, Deviated Instinct & Hellshock. What started as dreams of a few....became the gut wrenching nightmare of others. The western hordes had not seen witness to such stench since the horned rat roamed the west, many moons ago. Until the grotesque monuments of crust and debauchery were risen again. This plague consisting of 5 self loathing, destructive and awkward hellions, used their hatred and disgust for mankind to bring the world to its knees, so pretty things like trees or flowers may grow once more....Drink ye flaggons, smoke thy briars, They Are Coming! 2. Stormcrow is one of the UK's leading pagan folk bands. Their most recent album is “Here Be Demons” released in 2005. It continues in the same style as their earlier Celtic Twilight, having a lyrical interest in all things dark and supernatural. Their work is included in the new 2007 compilation "John Barleycorn Reborn".
The music can be classified as folk-rock and psych-folk in genre. More information can be found at: