The Bohemian Embassy are difficult to pigeon-hole and many have made futile efforts but nobody yet succeeded in coming up with something that satisfies enough to stick. Whatever you think they sound like, you may have heard them described as anything from frenzied to modern day glam, but to clarify things for those of you that have yet to hear their sound, they write catchy, rock indie pop music, with a hint of punk and sometimes folk. In my mind, this band has created a scene of its own with its very own fashion, its own tastes and its own music; personally I think what they create sounds very David Bowie, Smashing Pumpkins, Primal Scream, Pixies, Dandy Warhols, Secret Machines, but then this is only about 5% of what i think they sound like, because they sound like everything and nothing… really, it’s up to you.
The tracks on the CD are great, well thought through, and well produced. Moving from a drum driven track such as ‘sex appeal’ to something as fair as ‘have you read the words’. A great thing about this album is its diversity, and its unpredictability; in an age where commercial music is blurred and greyed by blandness, unoriginality and eleven-track pieces of albums that run one song into the next as though its the same thing. In contrast, this album manages to portray itself as both, somewhat exotic, though comforting and homely.
Having formed in the South West around Bristol and Bath, they’ve quickly and easily stolen the limelight. They’ve been signed with Glasstone records and Daddylonglegs management, and toured the UK and London with fellow local bands. Their live show is incredible, and they have an army of dedicated fans who’ll party at their will, and with the players gaining so much confidence and momentum, the ranks are ever increasing.
Joseph Little
LiveWire Press Oct 2011
"Next gen' Beatles!!”
Glasstone Records
"The best live performance band - these guys are the future of music...............end of!!
Lost Legion Records
"Hands down, The Bohemian Embassy are the only band i have ever seen in my life that made my jaw drop instantly, WOW"
Brighton Fusion Radio
"Reminded me of all my favorite bands at once"
Ruby Studio Press
"A band with on stage energy akin to Iggy Pop on acid with the togetherness and harmony only found in the best of bands! The Bohemian Embassy are destined for greatness! They blew my mind apart and put it back together in a whole new form pure and exciting sound"
Oxjam Buskers Festival
"The Bohemian Embassy's songs give me a certain belief, honest and meaningful without trying to be anything."
"The Boho's have taken inspiration from every genre decade and style of music and have made something completly new."
"Trouble gets in you is the best song i have ever heard in my life
"Paranormal Promotions Bath sneak preview album review
“Pop Rave Rock Punk, a 21st century Lou Reed and The Velvet Underground. Genius pop songs”
Gurrellia Music
“Edgy Boogie Skiffle Rock- they are world contenders - they only band i want to watch - fucking insane live performance group with an album to match”
"Impossible to Pigeonhole a modern velvet goldmine"
Lennin & Mcarthy Publishing House Moles sold out
"I was greeted by the boys getting drunk whils the girls were dangerously drunk, dangerously blonde and dangerously young"
"Edgy catchy rock punk riot kicking up a scene wherever they go"
"The singer/rhythm guitarist and lead guitarist looking like rejects from an indie rocky horror show, the drummer as ostentatious as Keith Moon.
Darkhorse Promotions
"Headliners of the night were a band that I’ve heard nothing but compliments about. The Bohemian Embassy are one of the most energetic bands I have ever seen with a very charismatic front man. Their music is popular rock/ punk that you automatically find yourself moving to.
This four-piece are not only musicians, they’re also entertainers. There’s only one word that is perfectly suitable to use. Mad."
"I think that sums them up perfectly as they are so eccentric. The drummer didn’t keep his head still for a single second, and the others were bouncing around the stage at every given opportunity.
Their short quirky songs allowed them to fit in ten songs into their set, all of which were received with as much delight as the next. Finishing their set with ‘Sex Appeal’, you could tell every single person in The Loui wanted more, and that included me. Their sound is infectious. Go and see them."
"I’m not sure quite how to categorise their music, which is an unfortunate part of my job description as a reviewer, as it appears to be a rather quaint soundclash of good-time rock and off-kilter new wave."
"I was reminded of a number of different bands during the course of these tracks. ‘Trouble Gets In You’ brought to mind one of Clearlake’s more frantic numbers and married dreamy guitar with an extensive yet leisurely journey around the bassist’s fretboard. The strongest track on the CD to my mind. The filling in the sandwich of these two is the catchy yet more conventional ‘Daddy’s Money’, although listening to the guitar I was thinking more of Television and Magazine than Kings of Leon."
"The Bohemian embassy either have a bloody good CD collection or have somehow accidentally stumbled upon some kind of telepathic post-punk formula. Either way, this is impressive."
"All four members of the Bohemian Embassy are left handed - what are the odds? I’m also told that ‘everyone is waiting for the next Clash and the Bohemian Embassy are it.’ Well I guess a bit of nonsensical hyperbole is what music is all about nowadays. They don’t need to be the next anyone – they’re doing just great as they are."
"These guys have had plenty of glowing live reviews and having given all these songs a few listens I can easily imagine them translating well to a live setting. I take my hat off in their general direction."
Live Music Scene
''Bath four-piece boy band The Bohemian Embassy look like they might be fun – spiky haired gangly ramshackle glamour-puss boys who’ve raided Marc Bolan’s dressing up box and then added some offbeat punk quirks just for a laugh.''
''21st Century Blues is a cheeky chirpy perky positively jerky pop-winking swinger of a tune with slight camp-vox stylings on the boogie-beat verses flashing glimmers of Russell Mael. The chugging guitars spidering their way all over the unstoppable rhythm section give way to a dreamy chorus of floating fluffiness with a strong waft of late 1960s psychedelia. Imagine Supergrass and The Move playing a Battle Of The Bands all in one song.''
''Play Your Heart Like The Radio is a jangle-pop monkey of a song swinging from branch to branch in the musical jungle before crashing into an irresistible carnage-chorus of exuberance. Splendid.''
Venue Magazine
The tracks on the CD are great, well thought through, and well produced. Moving from a drum driven track such as ‘sex appeal’ to something as fair as ‘have you read the words’. A great thing about this album is its diversity, and its unpredictability; in an age where commercial music is blurred and greyed by blandness, unoriginality and eleven-track pieces of albums that run one song into the next as though its the same thing. In contrast, this album manages to portray itself as both, somewhat exotic, though comforting and homely.
Having formed in the South West around Bristol and Bath, they’ve quickly and easily stolen the limelight. They’ve been signed with Glasstone records and Daddylonglegs management, and toured the UK and London with fellow local bands. Their live show is incredible, and they have an army of dedicated fans who’ll party at their will, and with the players gaining so much confidence and momentum, the ranks are ever increasing.
Joseph Little
LiveWire Press Oct 2011
"Next gen' Beatles!!”
Glasstone Records
"The best live performance band - these guys are the future of music...............end of!!
Lost Legion Records
"Hands down, The Bohemian Embassy are the only band i have ever seen in my life that made my jaw drop instantly, WOW"
Brighton Fusion Radio
"Reminded me of all my favorite bands at once"
Ruby Studio Press
"A band with on stage energy akin to Iggy Pop on acid with the togetherness and harmony only found in the best of bands! The Bohemian Embassy are destined for greatness! They blew my mind apart and put it back together in a whole new form pure and exciting sound"
Oxjam Buskers Festival
"The Bohemian Embassy's songs give me a certain belief, honest and meaningful without trying to be anything."
"The Boho's have taken inspiration from every genre decade and style of music and have made something completly new."
"Trouble gets in you is the best song i have ever heard in my life
"Paranormal Promotions Bath sneak preview album review
“Pop Rave Rock Punk, a 21st century Lou Reed and The Velvet Underground. Genius pop songs”
Gurrellia Music
“Edgy Boogie Skiffle Rock- they are world contenders - they only band i want to watch - fucking insane live performance group with an album to match”
"Impossible to Pigeonhole a modern velvet goldmine"
Lennin & Mcarthy Publishing House Moles sold out
"I was greeted by the boys getting drunk whils the girls were dangerously drunk, dangerously blonde and dangerously young"
"Edgy catchy rock punk riot kicking up a scene wherever they go"
"The singer/rhythm guitarist and lead guitarist looking like rejects from an indie rocky horror show, the drummer as ostentatious as Keith Moon.
Darkhorse Promotions
"Headliners of the night were a band that I’ve heard nothing but compliments about. The Bohemian Embassy are one of the most energetic bands I have ever seen with a very charismatic front man. Their music is popular rock/ punk that you automatically find yourself moving to.
This four-piece are not only musicians, they’re also entertainers. There’s only one word that is perfectly suitable to use. Mad."
"I think that sums them up perfectly as they are so eccentric. The drummer didn’t keep his head still for a single second, and the others were bouncing around the stage at every given opportunity.
Their short quirky songs allowed them to fit in ten songs into their set, all of which were received with as much delight as the next. Finishing their set with ‘Sex Appeal’, you could tell every single person in The Loui wanted more, and that included me. Their sound is infectious. Go and see them."
"I’m not sure quite how to categorise their music, which is an unfortunate part of my job description as a reviewer, as it appears to be a rather quaint soundclash of good-time rock and off-kilter new wave."
"I was reminded of a number of different bands during the course of these tracks. ‘Trouble Gets In You’ brought to mind one of Clearlake’s more frantic numbers and married dreamy guitar with an extensive yet leisurely journey around the bassist’s fretboard. The strongest track on the CD to my mind. The filling in the sandwich of these two is the catchy yet more conventional ‘Daddy’s Money’, although listening to the guitar I was thinking more of Television and Magazine than Kings of Leon."
"The Bohemian embassy either have a bloody good CD collection or have somehow accidentally stumbled upon some kind of telepathic post-punk formula. Either way, this is impressive."
"All four members of the Bohemian Embassy are left handed - what are the odds? I’m also told that ‘everyone is waiting for the next Clash and the Bohemian Embassy are it.’ Well I guess a bit of nonsensical hyperbole is what music is all about nowadays. They don’t need to be the next anyone – they’re doing just great as they are."
"These guys have had plenty of glowing live reviews and having given all these songs a few listens I can easily imagine them translating well to a live setting. I take my hat off in their general direction."
Live Music Scene
''Bath four-piece boy band The Bohemian Embassy look like they might be fun – spiky haired gangly ramshackle glamour-puss boys who’ve raided Marc Bolan’s dressing up box and then added some offbeat punk quirks just for a laugh.''
''21st Century Blues is a cheeky chirpy perky positively jerky pop-winking swinger of a tune with slight camp-vox stylings on the boogie-beat verses flashing glimmers of Russell Mael. The chugging guitars spidering their way all over the unstoppable rhythm section give way to a dreamy chorus of floating fluffiness with a strong waft of late 1960s psychedelia. Imagine Supergrass and The Move playing a Battle Of The Bands all in one song.''
''Play Your Heart Like The Radio is a jangle-pop monkey of a song swinging from branch to branch in the musical jungle before crashing into an irresistible carnage-chorus of exuberance. Splendid.''
Venue Magazine