The band formed in February 2012 - the very night Capello quit as England boss. After a drunken conversation between four soon-to-be mates, in the heart of the German Market, prior to a Kasabian gig... several steins of German lager, a bottle of amaretto, a headbutt and a set of stitches to Scotty's nose later the foundations were set! Soon getting into the practice rooms with a couple of songs from Scotty's solo stuff the band began. Kiran, Adam, Daz and Scotty were getting more new material added pretty much every practice. But something was missing, Scotty was basically wank at singing and playing guitar at the same time and so another drunken conversation ensued on a night out and from it, Bez was added. Songs have now been tightened right up and still being worked on with each and every practice. We have worked hard, and spent a small fortune in practice rooms and are feeling near enough ready to begin the next chapter and let you all get involved in the dream! Soon to be hitting a gig near you. The Broken Rebels!!