From false friends, to (temporary) sobriety, to lovable junkies, to the world’s worst public transport. However you like your Celtic Punk’n’Roll - The Cloverhearts have you covered. Formed out of the mutual love for catchy melodies, skull-crushing drum onslaughts, tin-whistle ear-worms and energetic live performances; Australian vocalist/songwriter, Sam Cooper and Italian Tin Whistle and Bagpipe-Extraordinarie, Chiara de Sio first met at a Rumjacks show in Manhattan, New York fresh off de Sio’s departure from her former project, The Clan. Fast forward a bunch of hangovers, Cooper and de Sio are now joined by guitarist JJ Bassi, bassist Stefano ‘Cione’ Becce, and drummer Christian Amendolara with an arsenal of Celtic/Punk ear candy, and plans on many more hangovers (and rock shows) to boot.