Those bastard bastard Kirkz. Blastin out of Macclesfield for the last 12 years with their rabid punk rock. This is lean hungry music from the bottom of the food chain and that never gets dull. If we fed on recogntion we'd be dead like the rest, if we craved the cash we'd have quit like so many others. The same four kids from 1998 have paid the dues and wrote the tunes. Call it punk, call it stupid call it whatever the hell you want. We've been every inch of the country seeking nowt but the cred from the crowd be it five or five hundred. Along the way getting leg ups from some awesome people too many to mention. But don't think this thing runs on nostalgia cos The Kirkz powerhouse is just sharpening its knives. We will tip up in your town and walk away with your show. The Ratz march on