This is a band of 4 young teenagers - currently (Sept 2011) aged 15 and 16. They originally formed over 3 years ago. They come from Surrey and met at the Realistic Rock Academy in Epsom where they were doing various classes. Prior to that, the lead singer/bassist (Scott) and the lead guitarist (Joe - also backing vox) were in the TMI House Band on Saturday morning kids' BBCTV.
The band was formed in January 2008 when Scott and Joe teamed up with Jack (rhythm guitar and backing vox) and, later on, Sam (drums). Since that time they've gigged almost endlessly, building a big following not just amongst teenagers but adults as well. They've had incredible success so far. In their first year alone, amongst many other things, they appeared in the final of XFM Manchester's Battle Of The Bands competition, recorded an interview and session with XFM's Clint Boon and had song 'Your Mum's In The Moshpit' played on Radio 1.
In 2009 they became the youngest band ever to play at GuilFest (Stoke Park, Guildford, Surrey). They also came 2nd, out of 10,000 entrants, in the nationwide 'Live & Unsigned' competition - one of the judges was the late lamented Malcolm McLaren, who said they were his favourite band of the competition. As well as GuilFest, they also played at ButserFest, RiverFest, RedFest...in total, 8 different festivals / open air musical events, each time to rave reviews and great audience acclaim.
The same year (2009) they also performed at Pilton Working Men's Club, Somerset, at the specific request of Michael Eavis, founder/godfather of Glastonbury, who predicted big things for them. They had an i-Tunes release ('Never Got To Say Goodbye') and performed countless gigs.
In 2010 they won the national Yamaha 'Band For A Grand' competition and, amongst all their other festivals, on the back of the performance for Michael Eavis they became the youngest ever band to play Glastonbury (aged 13-15). Their single 'Come Alive' was also an i-Tunes release and the video has notched up over 23,000 views on YouTube to date. They received a song-wrinting award at LIPA (Liverpool Institue of Preforming Arts) for 'Come Alive', and in mid- 2010 they were taken on by Freedom Management.
For much of spring/summer 2011, when not performing or attending to school work and exams, the band have been busy writing new songs to reflect the changes in styles and influences as they develop as musicians.
Their music is described as indie/rock. They write all their own songs, and their live performances frequently feature a few classic and quirky covers. Each band member has their own influences, from Foo Fighters to guitarist Slash to Two Door Cinema Club.
The band was formed in January 2008 when Scott and Joe teamed up with Jack (rhythm guitar and backing vox) and, later on, Sam (drums). Since that time they've gigged almost endlessly, building a big following not just amongst teenagers but adults as well. They've had incredible success so far. In their first year alone, amongst many other things, they appeared in the final of XFM Manchester's Battle Of The Bands competition, recorded an interview and session with XFM's Clint Boon and had song 'Your Mum's In The Moshpit' played on Radio 1.
In 2009 they became the youngest band ever to play at GuilFest (Stoke Park, Guildford, Surrey). They also came 2nd, out of 10,000 entrants, in the nationwide 'Live & Unsigned' competition - one of the judges was the late lamented Malcolm McLaren, who said they were his favourite band of the competition. As well as GuilFest, they also played at ButserFest, RiverFest, RedFest...in total, 8 different festivals / open air musical events, each time to rave reviews and great audience acclaim.
The same year (2009) they also performed at Pilton Working Men's Club, Somerset, at the specific request of Michael Eavis, founder/godfather of Glastonbury, who predicted big things for them. They had an i-Tunes release ('Never Got To Say Goodbye') and performed countless gigs.
In 2010 they won the national Yamaha 'Band For A Grand' competition and, amongst all their other festivals, on the back of the performance for Michael Eavis they became the youngest ever band to play Glastonbury (aged 13-15). Their single 'Come Alive' was also an i-Tunes release and the video has notched up over 23,000 views on YouTube to date. They received a song-wrinting award at LIPA (Liverpool Institue of Preforming Arts) for 'Come Alive', and in mid- 2010 they were taken on by Freedom Management.
For much of spring/summer 2011, when not performing or attending to school work and exams, the band have been busy writing new songs to reflect the changes in styles and influences as they develop as musicians.
Their music is described as indie/rock. They write all their own songs, and their live performances frequently feature a few classic and quirky covers. Each band member has their own influences, from Foo Fighters to guitarist Slash to Two Door Cinema Club.