There are multiple artists with the name 'Tides' [1] Tides is an American Post-Metal / Sludge outfit from Providence, Rhode Island, US Started out in Plattsburgh, New York, the band relocated to Boston, MA, and are now located in Providence, RI. Started out as a three-piece band, "Resurface" was recorded as such. Tim Fickeisen, a second guitarist, joined in 2006 with the debut of "From Silence" to help recreate the songs live. Donny Green Bass (2002-present) Rob Dowler Drums (2002-present) Augie Guitars (2002-present) Tim Fickeison Guitars (2002-present) [2] Tides is an American Rock band that formed in Cleveland, OH in 2010. The lineup consists of Sean Fenton (vocals and guitar), Nolan Ritter (guitar, Vocals), Dane Zunich (bass), and Brendan Fenton (drums).