Toby's first forays into production began around the heady rave days of the late eighties early nineties. Everything before this had been digested in his Gullliver and taken on some kind of influence or another, from hearing his first ever remix at 13... of Bros believe it or not, to listening to New Order's Substance on constant rotation on his Sony Walkman, to his dad's constant insistence on playing Sky or Stevie Wonder in the family car, buying his first electric guitar when he was 13, his mum buying him Crucial Electro one for christmas of 83 and the subsequent breakdancing tirade that followed.
The first productions were scored on a simple Roland sampler, and spawned tracks that were on a techno/house kind of vibe, but warranted a play from Colin Favor on his revolutoinary Kiss show. Toby's first DJing experiences were at Art College where he had the chance to play his records through a bumping JBL system, he also learned the art of throwing his own parties, using the Graphics skills he'd acquired to to do the promotional gear. An early love of deep sounds gained Toby the reputation of having something different to offer and began to spread his djing wings, as far as Scotland and Glastonbury ...
It wasn't till 2000 when he met part time music partner Craig 'Alexis Forge ' Macculough that the productions started to take shape.. they had an oppurtunity to play around with lots of music software together for a year, from these sessions Toby created a whole lot of music. It got farmed out to labels, and some of it made an appearance on Deep house label Low Pressings, one tune got picked up by Steve Kotey of Bearfunk.
From here a steady flow of productions emerged on labels such as Odori, Hi-phen and most recently Rekids and Tiny Sticks. The Rekids release 'A Close Shave' recieving great reviews and consequntly remix offers started coming in. Remixes have been done for Beat Freeze Records, Bent, Bloop recordings (Portugal) and Dialect Recordings. Side projects including edits for Urban Myth, collaborations with Danny Clark for Latenightaudio productions and a live studio group called Mythical Beast with Foolish Felix and Marcus Lee (a track called Magical Creature is waiting for closure at this very moment!!)
DJing wise , Toby DJs monthly at his own night with Danny Clark called www.latenightaudio.com, this has been going great guns and has pulled in some top guests as well as a healthy following, recently Toby was signed up to Warm DJ agency - 2007 promises more overseas dates, as well as the first Rekids release of the year ...with a remix from the mighty Quiet Village, more work with Bearfunk and Germany's Members of the Trick /Sonar kollectiv, a tidy package from Tiny Sticks with a remix from Mark E and more releases on Urban myth. Culminating in his first artist album on Rekids dropping in the autumn.
The first productions were scored on a simple Roland sampler, and spawned tracks that were on a techno/house kind of vibe, but warranted a play from Colin Favor on his revolutoinary Kiss show. Toby's first DJing experiences were at Art College where he had the chance to play his records through a bumping JBL system, he also learned the art of throwing his own parties, using the Graphics skills he'd acquired to to do the promotional gear. An early love of deep sounds gained Toby the reputation of having something different to offer and began to spread his djing wings, as far as Scotland and Glastonbury ...
It wasn't till 2000 when he met part time music partner Craig 'Alexis Forge ' Macculough that the productions started to take shape.. they had an oppurtunity to play around with lots of music software together for a year, from these sessions Toby created a whole lot of music. It got farmed out to labels, and some of it made an appearance on Deep house label Low Pressings, one tune got picked up by Steve Kotey of Bearfunk.
From here a steady flow of productions emerged on labels such as Odori, Hi-phen and most recently Rekids and Tiny Sticks. The Rekids release 'A Close Shave' recieving great reviews and consequntly remix offers started coming in. Remixes have been done for Beat Freeze Records, Bent, Bloop recordings (Portugal) and Dialect Recordings. Side projects including edits for Urban Myth, collaborations with Danny Clark for Latenightaudio productions and a live studio group called Mythical Beast with Foolish Felix and Marcus Lee (a track called Magical Creature is waiting for closure at this very moment!!)
DJing wise , Toby DJs monthly at his own night with Danny Clark called www.latenightaudio.com, this has been going great guns and has pulled in some top guests as well as a healthy following, recently Toby was signed up to Warm DJ agency - 2007 promises more overseas dates, as well as the first Rekids release of the year ...with a remix from the mighty Quiet Village, more work with Bearfunk and Germany's Members of the Trick /Sonar kollectiv, a tidy package from Tiny Sticks with a remix from Mark E and more releases on Urban myth. Culminating in his first artist album on Rekids dropping in the autumn.
House Electronic Minimal Disco