View is the name of three artists: 1. View, is a 23-year-old Finnish rapper from Helsinki, Finland. He released his first single Avalon in January and his debut EP carries the same name. Avalon EP was released on 2nd October, 2015. 2. A active indie rock band based in Ypsilanti, MI, USA. The group has released two albums: Moving On (2009) and View (2005). 3. A band based in Paris (often confused with the Scottish indie rock band The View), formed by Lucie Dehli (vocals, synths, violin, percs) and Stephan Ink (bass, samples, atmospherics). The group released one album in 1993 (Bike Ride), one Maxi-CD (Life Goes On Again), and had participation in some compilations. The group was also known as Vicious Circle, with one album titled "Barbed wire slides", at Les Disques du Soleil et de l'Acier.