Hideout takes place from Friday 1st July until Sunday 3rd July on a brand new site on the historical coast of Croatia. A gem in the magnetic Adriatic region, the main site features two outdoor stages and two outdoor swimming pools, one indoor as well as outdoor venue offering stunning views over the sea, and a large VIP area. Artists will also play intimate performances offsite at numerous daily boat parties, beach parties
and in unusual venues, promising to be the most pioneering festival of the summer.
Bringing together 10,000 attendees from across Europe, the innovative Hideout is another great reason to visit this rich and spectacular area. A feast of electronic
activity, Hideout brings together the most cutting edge musical minds to this sundrenched corner of the world, making it an inspired choice for those wanting to sample both the leaders and the future talent of the dance music community.
Sven Väth | Papaya Stage |
Marco Carola | Papaya Stage |
People Get Real | Papaya Stage |
Nero | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage |
Jack Beats | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage |
Toddla T | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage |
Redlight & MC Dread | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage |
Friction | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage |
Modestep | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage |
Prophecy | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage |
Jamie xx | Resident Advisor Stage |
Dixon | Resident Advisor Stage |
Mount Kimbie | Resident Advisor Stage |
Julio Bashmore | Resident Advisor Stage |
Mike Jones | Resident Advisor Stage |
Eric Prydz | Papaya Stage |
Annie Mac | Papaya Stage |
Simian Mobile Disco | Papaya Stage |
Aeroplane | Papaya Stage |
Eskimo Twins | Papaya Stage |
Pendulum | Ape Stage |
Sub Focus | Ape Stage |
Ms. Dynamite | Ape Stage |
Caspa | Ape Stage |
Doorly | Ape Stage |
Rattus Rattus & Klose 1 | Ape Stage |
2 Many DJ's | Wax:On Stage |
Crookers | Wax:On Stage |
Fake Blood | Wax:On Stage |
Bowski | Wax:On Stage |
Erol Alkan | Wax:On Stage |
Chase & Status | Metropolis Stage |
Andy C | Metropolis Stage |
Breakage | Metropolis Stage |
Joker | Metropolis Stage |
Shy FX | Metropolis Stage |
Danny Byrd | Metropolis Stage |
MAK | Metropolis Stage |
Seth Troxler | Crosstown Rebels Stage |
Jamie Jones | Crosstown Rebels Stage |
Damian Lazarus | Crosstown Rebels Stage |
Art Department | Crosstown Rebels Stage |
Robert James | Crosstown Rebels Stage |
Artist | Stage | Day |
2 Many DJ's | Wax:On Stage | Day 3 |
Aeroplane | Papaya Stage | Day 2 |
Andy C | Metropolis Stage | Day 3 |
Annie Mac | Papaya Stage | Day 2 |
Art Department | Crosstown Rebels Stage | Day 3 |
Bowski | Wax:On Stage | Day 3 |
Breakage | Metropolis Stage | Day 3 |
Caspa | Ape Stage | Day 2 |
Chase & Status | Metropolis Stage | Day 3 |
Crookers | Wax:On Stage | Day 3 |
Damian Lazarus | Crosstown Rebels Stage | Day 3 |
Danny Byrd | Metropolis Stage | Day 3 |
Dixon | Resident Advisor Stage | Day 1 |
Doorly | Ape Stage | Day 2 |
Eric Prydz | Papaya Stage | Day 2 |
Erol Alkan | Wax:On Stage | Day 3 |
Eskimo Twins | Papaya Stage | Day 2 |
Fake Blood | Wax:On Stage | Day 3 |
Friction | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage | Day 1 |
Jack Beats | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage | Day 1 |
Jamie Jones | Crosstown Rebels Stage | Day 3 |
Jamie xx | Resident Advisor Stage | Day 1 |
Joker | Metropolis Stage | Day 3 |
Julio Bashmore | Resident Advisor Stage | Day 1 |
MAK | Metropolis Stage | Day 3 |
Marco Carola | Papaya Stage | Day 1 |
Mike Jones | Resident Advisor Stage | Day 1 |
Modestep | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage | Day 1 |
Mount Kimbie | Resident Advisor Stage | Day 1 |
Ms. Dynamite | Ape Stage | Day 2 |
Nero | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage | Day 1 |
Pendulum | Ape Stage | Day 2 |
People Get Real | Papaya Stage | Day 1 |
Prophecy | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage | Day 1 |
Rattus Rattus & Klose 1 | Ape Stage | Day 2 |
Redlight & MC Dread | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage | Day 1 |
Robert James | Crosstown Rebels Stage | Day 3 |
Seth Troxler | Crosstown Rebels Stage | Day 3 |
Shy FX | Metropolis Stage | Day 3 |
Simian Mobile Disco | Papaya Stage | Day 2 |
Sub Focus | Ape Stage | Day 2 |
Sven Väth | Papaya Stage | Day 1 |
Toddla T | Reclaim The Dancefloor Stage | Day 1 |
Island Of Pag, Croatia