18 September 2016
Found presents Moondance Festival on 18th September 2016 and it is a huge event which will take over the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park London.
This is a festival which celebrates pioneer movements within dance and electronic music and a huge number of acts have been confirmed for the eight separate stages. The acts confirmed include: Todd Terry, Joey Beltram, A Guy Called Gerald Live (Evolution of Dance Music), Altern8, General Levy, Angie Brown Live (Bizarre Inc), Channel One Sound System, Ratpack vs SL2 Live , DJ Phantasy with Skibadee & Shabba D, Twista & Trix, Acid Brothers, Artful Dodger vs DJ Luck and MC Neat , Oxide & Neutrino, Foundation (Sticky & Scott Garcia), Mike Delinquent, DJ Cartier, Jason Kaye, Ramsey & Fen, Junior Buzz, DJ Listener, Ed Rush & Optical, Hamilton & Frankee (Ram Records Showcase), Mampi Swift, Sub Zero, Shadow Demon Coalition (Sly, Trigga, Bassman), New Breed Crew (Majistrate, Logan D, Eksman, Evil B, Fatman D, Herbzie), U.N.C.Z (Ruffstuff, Funsta, Harry Shotta & Dreps), Guv & Turno, Inter, SLB & Boylan, Terry M & Kezman, Fabio & Grooverider with MC MC, Shut Up & Dance Showcase feat. Ragga Twins & Peter Bouncer, DJ SY, Slipmatt, Billy Daniel Bunter, Uncle Dugs & Nicky Blackmarket, DJ Sense, Mr X & Vinyl Vera, Dan Rewind & Genetic, Lisa Dizzy Blonde & Bonnie Blaze, Johnny B & Social Logic, Parker & Remixx, Congo Natty feat. Tenor Fly & Congo Dubz, Dillinja & Randall, Grooverider, Micky Finn, DJ Ron, Kenny Ken, Brockie, Bryan G & Jumpin Jack Frost, Shimon (Classics Set), Dr S Gachet & Ashatack, Redlock, Fast Eddie (Live PA & DJ Set), Alison Limerick Live and that’s just the beginning.
There is a separate line-up of MCs which includes Ragga Twins, Charlie B, Whizzkid, Shabba D, Five Alive, Cutter, Express, Ribs, Eksman, Evil B, Skibadee, GQ, IC3, Harry Shotta, Bassman, Trigga, Funsta, Stormin, Fatman D, Herbzie and more.
- Freestylers
- Todd Terry
- Fabio & Grooverider
- Mc Mc
- Chip
- Elijah and Skilliam
- The Artful Dodger
- DJ Luck & MC Neat
- Congo Natty: Rebel MC & Tenor Fly & Congo Dubs
- Randall vs Dillinja
- Mark Radford
- Ed Rush
- Optical
- Fast Eddie
- Alison Limerick
Freestylers | Main Stage |
Todd Terry | Main Stage |
Joey Beltram | Main Stage |
A Guy Called Gerald | Main Stage |
Matt Jam Lamont | Main Stage |
Altern 8 | Main Stage |
General Levy | Main Stage |
Livin' Joy | Main Stage |
Angie Brown | Main Stage |
Channel One Soundsystem | Main Stage |
Ratpack | Main Stage |
SL2 | Main Stage |
Phantasy | Main Stage |
Rob Blake | Main Stage |
Twista & Trix | Main Stage |
Acid Brothers | Main Stage |
Fabio & Grooverider | Epidemik |
Mc Mc | Epidemik |
Ragga Twins | Epidemik |
Peter Bouncer | Epidemik |
DJ SY | Epidemik |
Slipmatt | Epidemik |
Billy Daniel Bunter | Epidemik |
Uncle Dugs | Epidemik |
Nicky Blackmarket | Epidemik |
DJ Sense | Epidemik |
Mr X & Vinyl Vera | Epidemik |
Dan Rewind & Genetic | Epidemik |
Lisa Dizzy Blonde & Bonnie Blaze | Epidemik |
Johnny B & Social Logic | Epidemik |
Parker & Remixx | Epidemik |
Chip | Relentless Stage |
Elijah and Skilliam | Relentless Stage |
Zed Bias | Relentless Stage |
Jammz | Relentless Stage |
Big Zuu | Relentless Stage |
Klose1 | Relentless Stage |
Amy Becker | Relentless Stage |
Silas & Snare | Relentless Stage |
Kruel Intentions | Relentless Stage |
Liam D | Relentless Stage |
Lee Freeland | Relentless Stage |
Tony Parsons | Relentless Stage |
The Artful Dodger | Garage Nation |
DJ Luck & MC Neat | Garage Nation |
Oxide & Neutrino | Garage Nation |
Foundation | Garage Nation |
Mike Delinquent | Garage Nation |
Cartier | Garage Nation |
Jason Kaye | Garage Nation |
Ramsey & Fen | Garage Nation |
Junior Buzz | Garage Nation |
Listener | Garage Nation |
Congo Natty: Rebel MC & Tenor Fly & Congo Dubs | Jungle Mania x Roast |
Randall vs Dillinja | Jungle Mania x Roast |
Grooverider | Jungle Mania x Roast |
Micky Finn | Jungle Mania x Roast |
DJ Ron | Jungle Mania x Roast |
Kenny Ken | Jungle Mania x Roast |
Brockie | Jungle Mania x Roast |
Bryan G | Jungle Mania x Roast |
Jumping Jack Frost | Jungle Mania x Roast |
Shimon | Jungle Mania x Roast |
Dr S Gachet | Jungle Mania x Roast |
AshATack | Jungle Mania x Roast |
Redlock | Jungle Mania x Roast |
DJ SKT | Analog & Stush |
Mark Radford | Analog & Stush |
Sam Supplier | Analog & Stush |
Tom Zanetti & K.O. Kane | Analog & Stush |
Booker T. & the MG's | Analog & Stush |
Sy Sez | Analog & Stush |
DJ S | Analog & Stush |
Aluku Rebels | Analog & Stush |
PSR | Analog & Stush |
Snoops | Analog & Stush |
Ed Rush | Breakin Science |
Optical | Breakin Science |
Hamilton & Frankee (Ram Records Showcase) | Breakin Science |
Mampi Swift | Breakin Science |
Sub Zero | Breakin Science |
Shadow Demon Coalition (Sly, Trigga, Bassman) | Breakin Science |
New Breed Crew (Majistrate, Logan D, Eksman, Evil B, Fatman D, Herbzie) | Breakin Science |
U.N.C.Z (Ruffstuff, Funsta, Harry Shotta & Dreps) | Breakin Science |
Guv & Turno | Breakin Science |
Inter | Breakin Science |
SLB & Boylan | Breakin Science |
Terry M & Kezman | Breakin Science |
Fast Eddie | Promised Land |
Alison Limerick | Promised Land |
Marshall Jefferson | Promised Land |
Nicky Holloway | Promised Land |
Terry Farley | Promised Land |
Brandon Block & Alex P | Promised Land |
Huck Finn | Promised Land |
Philgood and Ram | Promised Land |
Arkoss | Promised Land |
EZM | Promised Land |
Artist | Stage | Day |
A Guy Called Gerald | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Acid Brothers | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Alison Limerick | Promised Land | Sun 18th |
Altern 8 | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Aluku Rebels | Analog & Stush | Sun 18th |
Amy Becker | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
Angie Brown | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Arkoss | Promised Land | Sun 18th |
AshATack | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Big Zuu | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
Billy Daniel Bunter | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Booker T. & the MG's | Analog & Stush | Sun 18th |
Brandon Block & Alex P | Promised Land | Sun 18th |
Brockie | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Bryan G | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Cartier | Garage Nation | Sun 18th |
Channel One Soundsystem | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Chip | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
Congo Natty: Rebel MC & Tenor Fly & Congo Dubs | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Dan Rewind & Genetic | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
DJ Luck & MC Neat | Garage Nation | Sun 18th |
DJ Ron | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
DJ S | Analog & Stush | Sun 18th |
DJ Sense | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
DJ SKT | Analog & Stush | Sun 18th |
DJ SY | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Dr S Gachet | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Ed Rush | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Elijah and Skilliam | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
EZM | Promised Land | Sun 18th |
Fabio & Grooverider | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Fast Eddie | Promised Land | Sun 18th |
Foundation | Garage Nation | Sun 18th |
Freestylers | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
General Levy | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Grooverider | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Guv & Turno | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Hamilton & Frankee (Ram Records Showcase) | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Huck Finn | Promised Land | Sun 18th |
Inter | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Jammz | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
Jason Kaye | Garage Nation | Sun 18th |
Joey Beltram | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Johnny B & Social Logic | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Jumping Jack Frost | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Junior Buzz | Garage Nation | Sun 18th |
Kenny Ken | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Klose1 | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
Kruel Intentions | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
Lee Freeland | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
Liam D | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
Lisa Dizzy Blonde & Bonnie Blaze | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Listener | Garage Nation | Sun 18th |
Livin' Joy | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Mampi Swift | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Mark Radford | Analog & Stush | Sun 18th |
Marshall Jefferson | Promised Land | Sun 18th |
Matt Jam Lamont | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Mc Mc | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Micky Finn | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Mike Delinquent | Garage Nation | Sun 18th |
Mr X & Vinyl Vera | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
New Breed Crew (Majistrate, Logan D, Eksman, Evil B, Fatman D, Herbzie) | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Nicky Blackmarket | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Nicky Holloway | Promised Land | Sun 18th |
Optical | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Oxide & Neutrino | Garage Nation | Sun 18th |
Parker & Remixx | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Peter Bouncer | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Phantasy | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Philgood and Ram | Promised Land | Sun 18th |
PSR | Analog & Stush | Sun 18th |
Ragga Twins | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Ramsey & Fen | Garage Nation | Sun 18th |
Randall vs Dillinja | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Ratpack | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Redlock | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Rob Blake | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Sam Supplier | Analog & Stush | Sun 18th |
Shadow Demon Coalition (Sly, Trigga, Bassman) | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Shimon | Jungle Mania x Roast | Sun 18th |
Silas & Snare | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
SL2 | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
SLB & Boylan | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Slipmatt | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Snoops | Analog & Stush | Sun 18th |
Sub Zero | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Sy Sez | Analog & Stush | Sun 18th |
Terry Farley | Promised Land | Sun 18th |
Terry M & Kezman | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
The Artful Dodger | Garage Nation | Sun 18th |
Todd Terry | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
Tom Zanetti & K.O. Kane | Analog & Stush | Sun 18th |
Tony Parsons | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
Twista & Trix | Main Stage | Sun 18th |
U.N.C.Z (Ruffstuff, Funsta, Harry Shotta & Dreps) | Breakin Science | Sun 18th |
Uncle Dugs | Epidemik | Sun 18th |
Zed Bias | Relentless Stage | Sun 18th |
Name | Star | Distance | Prices From | |
The Whitechapel Hotel | 0.3 ml | £50.00 | Book | |
Truman House Apartment | 0.4 ml | £125.00 | Book | |
Old School Apartment | 0.4 ml | £125.00 | Book | |
Qbic London City | 0.4 ml | £58.00 | Book | |
Charm Apartments | 0.4 ml | £99.00 | Book | |
Applause Apartments | 0.4 ml | £99.00 | Book | |
Arbor City | 0.5 ml | £99.00 | Book | |
Marlin Apartments - Aldgate | 0.5 ml | £95.00 | Book | |
London Apartments Bethnal Green | 0.5 ml | £95.00 | Book | |
Hotel Brick Lane | 0.5 ml | £69.00 | Book | |
Travelodge London Bethnal Green | 0.5 ml | £41.00 | Book | |
Tower Hamlets Apartments | 0.5 ml | £119.00 | Book | |
Endorse Apartments | 0.5 ml | £99.00 | Book | |
Luxton Apartments Shoreditch | 0.5 ml | £159.00 | Book | |
Globe City Apartments | 0.6 ml | £90.00 | Book |
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford, Newham, E202ST