Rockness Festival Rockness Festival

Rockness Festival Header

11 June - 13 June 2010

Loch Ness, Scotland

On the banks of Loch Ness in Scotland you will find the Rockness Festival! Set in the historic and beautiful surroundings of this amazing location lies a festival that just keeps getting bigger. Coming into its 5th year Rockness has pulled out all the stops to bring an amazing lineup with more on the way. If you've always wanted to visit Scotland then this is a great excuse to start!
Fatboy Slim Main Stage
Friendly Fires Main Stage
Crystal Castles Main Stage
Pendulum Goldenvoice Arena
Enter Shikari Goldenvoice Arena
Booka Shade Goldenvoice Arena
Flood of Red Goldenvoice Arena
Canterbury Goldenvoice Arena
Sub Club Arcadia Afterburner
Optimo Arcadia Afterburner
Subculture Arcadia Afterburner
sensu Arcadia Afterburner
Boom Monk Ben Arcadia Afterburner
Leftfield Main Stage
Ian Brown Main Stage
Soulwax Main Stage
Plan B Main Stage
Alabama 3 Main Stage
The Cuban Brothers Main Stage
Hip parade Main Stage
The Coronas Main Stage
Aphex Twin Goldenvoice Arena
Tinie Tempah Goldenvoice Arena
Zane Lowe Goldenvoice Arena
Dan Le Sac vs Scroubius Pip Goldenvoice Arena
Dub Pistols Goldenvoice Arena
Killa Kela Goldenvoice Arena
Blame Goldenvoice Arena
Blonde Louis Goldenvoice Arena
Soma DJs Arcadia Afterburner
Green Velvet Arcadia Afterburner
Silicone Soul Arcadia Afterburner
Fergie Arcadia Afterburner
Gary Beck Arcadia Afterburner
Edit Select Arcadia Afterburner
Vector Lovers Arcadia Afterburner
The Strokes Main Stage
Vampire Weekend Main Stage
Doves Main Stage
Blondie Main Stage
The Maccabees Main Stage
Twin Atlantic Main Stage
Dananananaykroyd Main Stage
Pearl and the Puppets Main Stage
The Xcerts Main Stage
Hoodlums Main Stage
Chase & Status Sunday Best Arena
Dave Clarke Sunday Best Arena
Bloody Beetroots Death Crew77 Sunday Best Arena
Hadouken! Sunday Best Arena
Rob Da Bank Sunday Best Arena
Steve Mason Sunday Best Arena
2 Many DJ's Radio Soul Wax
Vitalic Radio Soul Wax
The Japanese Popstars Radio Soul Wax
Kids on Bridges Radio Soul Wax
High Contrast Strongbow Tent
A.Skillz Strongbow Tent
FriDgE MaGNets Strongbow Tent
Luca Strongbow Tent
Any Color Black Strongbow Tent
PMcQ Strongbow Tent
The Raysummers Live Strongbow Tent
Monochrome Strongbow Tent
Freestylers Strongbow Tent
Goldierocks Strongbow Tent
Boom Monk Ben Strongbow Tent
Thepetebox Strongbow Tent
B-Tone Strongbow Tent
Tango In The Attic Strongbow Tent
Craig McGee Strongbow Tent
Starsmith Strongbow Tent
French Wives Strongbow Tent
General Jimmy Strongbow Tent
Norman Jay Strongbow Tent
Barry Ashworth (Dub Pistols) Strongbow Tent
Fenech-Soler Strongbow Tent
Benji Boko Strongbow Tent
Vendor Defendor Strongbow Tent
Admiral Fallow Strongbow Tent
Dansette Junior Strongbow Tent
Howard Marks Howard's End Pub
Tiernan Douieb Howard's End Pub
Rob Heeney Howard's End Pub
Marty Mclean Howard's End Pub
Scott Agnew Howard's End Pub
Papa CJ Howard's End Pub
Chris Cox Howard's End Pub
Mikey Adams Howard's End Pub
Artist Stage Day
2 Many DJ's Radio Soul Wax Day 3
A.Skillz Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Admiral Fallow Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Alabama 3 Main Stage Day 2
Any Color Black Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Aphex Twin Goldenvoice Arena Day 2
Barry Ashworth (Dub Pistols) Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Benji Boko Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Blame Goldenvoice Arena Day 2
Blonde Louis Goldenvoice Arena Day 2
Blondie Main Stage Day 3
Bloody Beetroots Death Crew77 Sunday Best Arena Day 3
Booka Shade Goldenvoice Arena Day 1
Boom Monk Ben Arcadia Afterburner Day 1
Boom Monk Ben Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
B-Tone Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Canterbury Goldenvoice Arena Day 1
Chase & Status Sunday Best Arena Day 3
Chris Cox Howard's End Pub Confirmed Acts days not specified
Craig McGee Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Crystal Castles Main Stage Day 1
Dan Le Sac vs Scroubius Pip Goldenvoice Arena Day 2
Dananananaykroyd Main Stage Day 3
Dansette Junior Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Dave Clarke Sunday Best Arena Day 3
Doves Main Stage Day 3
Dub Pistols Goldenvoice Arena Day 2
Edit Select Arcadia Afterburner Day 2
Enter Shikari Goldenvoice Arena Day 1
Fatboy Slim Main Stage Day 1
Fenech-Soler Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Fergie Arcadia Afterburner Day 2
Flood of Red Goldenvoice Arena Day 1
Freestylers Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
French Wives Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
FriDgE MaGNets Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Friendly Fires Main Stage Day 1
Gary Beck Arcadia Afterburner Day 2
General Jimmy Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Goldierocks Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Green Velvet Arcadia Afterburner Day 2
Hadouken! Sunday Best Arena Day 3
High Contrast Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Hip parade Main Stage Day 2
Hoodlums Main Stage Day 3
Howard Marks Howard's End Pub Confirmed Acts days not specified
Ian Brown Main Stage Day 2
Kids on Bridges Radio Soul Wax Day 3
Killa Kela Goldenvoice Arena Day 2
Leftfield Main Stage Day 2
Luca Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Marty Mclean Howard's End Pub Confirmed Acts days not specified
Mikey Adams Howard's End Pub Confirmed Acts days not specified
Monochrome Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Norman Jay Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Optimo Arcadia Afterburner Day 1
Papa CJ Howard's End Pub Confirmed Acts days not specified
Pearl and the Puppets Main Stage Day 3
Pendulum Goldenvoice Arena Day 1
Plan B Main Stage Day 2
PMcQ Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Rob Da Bank Sunday Best Arena Day 3
Rob Heeney Howard's End Pub Confirmed Acts days not specified
Scott Agnew Howard's End Pub Confirmed Acts days not specified
sensu Arcadia Afterburner Day 1
Silicone Soul Arcadia Afterburner Day 2
Soma DJs Arcadia Afterburner Day 2
Soulwax Main Stage Day 2
Starsmith Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Steve Mason Sunday Best Arena Day 3
Sub Club Arcadia Afterburner Day 1
Subculture Arcadia Afterburner Day 1
Tango In The Attic Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
The Coronas Main Stage Day 2
The Cuban Brothers Main Stage Day 2
The Japanese Popstars Radio Soul Wax Day 3
The Maccabees Main Stage Day 3
The Raysummers Live Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
The Strokes Main Stage Day 3
The Xcerts Main Stage Day 3
Thepetebox Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Tiernan Douieb Howard's End Pub Confirmed Acts days not specified
Tinie Tempah Goldenvoice Arena Day 2
Twin Atlantic Main Stage Day 3
Vampire Weekend Main Stage Day 3
Vector Lovers Arcadia Afterburner Day 2
Vendor Defendor Strongbow Tent Confirmed acts days not specified
Vitalic Radio Soul Wax Day 3
Zane Lowe Goldenvoice Arena Day 2

Loch Ness, Scotland