The Hanwell Hootie

The Hanwell Hootie Header

Original music from more than 90 bands, performed at 15 venues all within walking distance of each other in west London; the Hanwell Hootie re-defines what it means to enjoy a music festival.

For your classic festival experience, there are three huge outdoor stages. But what makes the Hootie so special is that for one day, music takes over the whole community.

Nine local pubs, a school and even a church also open their doors to host an amazing mix of emerging and established bands. And if you don't fancy walking between the venues, there's even a free bus service to transport you around as you take your pick of the talent.

Fizzy Blood


Desert Mountain Tribe

Du Bellows


Press to MECO

The Tuts

And around 90 more bands...

The event is free - just turn up and enjoy!

15 different venues around Hanwell, W7

Main stage: Viaduct Meadow, near W7 3TD

Available at all venues