One of the pinnacles of Chicago House Music’s ‘90s Wave, Derrick Carter is to kick-start 2011’s series of A Night With…
Derrick Carter´s pioneering sound has marked him out as one of the most influential people in the Chicago house scene. He’s become known all over the globe as the man with the boompty boomp, a phonetic attempt to describe his own distinctive underground house sound, now synonymous with Chicago, Carter´s home and musical base since he started making tunes in the late 80s.
Derrick’s creative side ventures further than music production as he has a huge grasp and interest in culture as a whole collecting art as well as innovative eco-fashion designs. His sets remain rooted in house, but he freely travels outside club tastes, seamlessly incorporating old school disco, soul, jazz and really whatever catches his fancy. By an unholy use of the filters and mixing at a level too brilliant to comprehend, he owns a talent to turn ordinary tracks into something truly magical.
Published on 01 March 2011 by Paulski