Rockness 2013

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Having to endure a six hour train ride is hard enough, but when you are seething with anticipation and excitement, the wait just seems to go on and on. With acts such as Basement Jaxx, Newton Faulkner, Ben Howard and Example all making an appearance on the Rockness line-up, I’m sure you would have shared similar feelings. 

The festival itself is pleasantly situated amongst the peaceful Scottish hills with a stunning view of the Loch Ness. I immediately made the mistake of assuming that the audience members would imitate the tranquil scenery and be prepared to sit back and enjoy the diverse line up that was on offer. However, as I attempted to wade through the swarms of energetic Scottish festival goers all drinking, dancing and causing general havoc, I soon realised that I could not have been more wrong. The atmosphere was electric as Basement Jaxx came to headline the Main stage, creating quite a party of their own on stage with the band and the dancers all dressed in garishly colourful attire. They provided a spectacular show both musically and visually as their performance rinsed out every ounce of energy from the dancing crowd.

Of course by the time Saturday afternoon came, I was ready to take a step back and embrace the talent on offer at the Golden Voice Arena. Midday comedy from Dylan Moran helped sooth my hangover before Bombay Bicycle Club played a mix of old favourites such as ‘Evening/Morning’, ‘Shuffle’ and ‘Beg’. Having seen Bombay Bicycle Club play at different venues before, I immediately noticed that the sound technicians were not doing the band any justice. Unfortunately, Jack Steadman’s usually charming vocals were inaudible over the overpowering heavy bass.

Ben Howard and Newton Faulkner’s musical talents were put to waste as both artists’ complex and intricate guitar skills were completely drowned out by the screaming audience. Newton Faulkner is a personal favourite of mine, especially during the festival season, but I can safely say that Rockness was not a suitable venue for his talent. Admittedly, I gave up half way through both acts and made my way back to the Main Stage very disappointed.

Headline act, Example, soon picked up my spirits as he whole heartedly put every ounce of effort into his performance. It was hard to ignore the fact that this was Example’s first ever headline spot at a festival; his excitement and energy was contagious and he immediately injected the audience with the exhilarating buzz that had infiltrated the festival atmosphere during the previous evening. 

Sunday brought an unexpected highlight that really topped off my first festival of the season. Lianne La Havas, performing in the Golden Voice arena provided a flawless and highly entertaining set. Her stunning, soulful and fresh vocals accompanied by her gifted jazz guitar playing enticed audience members, leaving them wanting more. Her ability to tell a story through her lyrics in such a direct, witty and ingenious manner is a gift that certainly should be admired.

With the exception of Lianne La Havas, all of the acts that performed in the Golden Voice arena were severely let down by the bass-loving sound technicians and the riotous crowd members. On the other hand, the atmosphere that surrounded the Main Stage throughout the festival was electric, infectious and quite honestly – crazy. Rockness is definitely a festival for party goers with a passion for dance music. Though the scenery may suggest otherwise, don’t expect to get any peace or listen to anything mellow or acoustic whilst you are there. You will inevitably be drawn in by the energy and madness – just join in!

by Jess Reid

Published on 02 October 2013 by Ben Robinson

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