Compass of Lunacy
I often wonder in certain states of inebriation and general messiness what aliens would think if they were to land on planet earth at specific points, places and times. What might an ancient astronaut be inclined to think if perchance that came to land smack-bang in the middle of the Shambala festival? Would they see it as the joyful chaos it is? A journey? An adventure? A life altering experience? A place to let loose and dance, dance, dance? Or would they see the ridiculous nature that is 10,000 people reverting back to childhood for four glorious nights and five crazy, albeit at times chilly days? Would they leave immediately or would they get involved?
“Shambala began in 1999, with 150 people in a field. [They] are a creative, non-commercial, ethical and family-friendly festival with a wild side. “, boasts the festivals very much populated Facebook page and according to punters of 2010, twas indeed one of the most triumphant festivals thus far. Yes it was muddy and a little chilly but so what. Wellingtons on, hoods up, let the madness begin.
Despite the 10,000 capacity of Shambala, the festival does manage to retain its intimacy and communal feeling. Like many festivals before and after, it is a world where smiling at strangers and sparking up random conversations are the norm. A world where it’s acceptable to be a little bit weird, wacky and wonderful.
Thinking back to Shambala, an old cliché springs to mind and that is, ‘simple but effective’ which it seems all the best things in life almost definitely are. Shambala is a revolution in itself, drawing complexities from life’s simplicities. A house without walls, a tardis portal to a mirror-ball bar, a tunnel that comes out in a cupboard in a bar, a bearded kitten, lights suspended in space amongst trees, giant glowing tulips, a phone call with God, countless bubbles, cock-drawing, pants making, fish and foot therapy and a roller disco.
To sum up Shambala 2010 one only need to look to the theme of the festival. The theme being, ‘ELE-MENTAL’. Think: hippies, wind, fire, earth and air on the brown acid of the 60's with the 2CB of the new century and you might come close to what Shambala is... Magic, mental and magnificent mayhem.
See you in 360 days Shambala x
Laura O’Connell Rapira
Published on 05 September 2010 by Ben Robinson