The Next Big Thing!

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Beach Break Live
Next Big Thing
Beach Break Live put together its biggest line up ever this year with several household names spanning a multitude of genres from Chase and Status to Friendly Fires. We did however spot a few lesser-known acts that rocked our muddy socks off and highly recommend checking these two acts out.
Brother and Bones played twice over the weekend and delivered their brand of guitar thrashing rock n roll in spades.
How did you guys get together?
We have been playing music together for ages myself and rob, over the last 10 years playing acoustic guitar and just messing around. I got a bunch of songs together and had an idea for a band and just wanted to get it together really. I knew James through playing gigs in London and just being on the same scene  and I knew he played electric guitar so when this project came to fruition, I knew he would be the right guy for the job. Sai used to play his crazy funk stuff in a band with one of my really close friends and we poached him! 

Someone playing here at BBL you would like to work with that you haven’t already?
It would be cool to do stuff with Ben Howard, he is a good friend, we all love his music and even tho we are quite a lot heavier, it kind of comes from the same place and he has so much room to do stuff like that.

Delilah enchanted the audience with her charisma and soulful voice reminiscent of an early Amy Winehouse. She has been on the scene for a while and is far from unknown having already featured on a record with Chase and Status and signed to Atlantic Records, but with an Album due soon, expect huge things from her.
How did you get into music?
Because I love it, its my passion and I was also very lucky. I was about 17 in college and I was offered some record deals and it just happened very instantly and I just kinda ran with it and had to do all the hard work since then. Its my passion, its my dream and I’m really blessed to be able to live it out.
What is the ultimate goal you are looking to achieve with your music?
I guess it’s a collective of things, I want my music to be heard by as many people as possible and always have a lot of fun out there on stage and put on a good show and that’s all you can really do.
Someone playing here at BBL you would like to work with that you haven’t already?
Oh gosh, there’s loads of people! Maverick Sabre, we have been on tour together but are still to get in the studio so that would be cool

Published on 21 June 2012 by Jesse.Olu

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